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Video Transcript – ARSIS project 2018 team video

Hi. We are from the Boise State NASA suits team. NASA is currently looking for better ways to communicate information to astronauts on spacewalks. Currently astronauts receive information through verbal communication with ground control and paper instructions. Our solution to this problem involves using augmented reality which puts a digital overlay over the real world. This technology provides exciting opportunities to make this process more intuitive and help astronauts get the information they need when they need it. As part of the suits challenge our team will be implementing this augmented reality technology by using the Microsoft HoloLens. We here at Boise State have designed the augmented reality space informatics system or ARSIS, as an improvement to NASA’s current system. With ARSIS astronauts will be able to anchor instructions in real space and use voice commands to navigate through tasks. Ground control will also be able to monitor the astronauts’ feed and draw instructions in the astronauts view through the HoloLens.


Hi, I’m Paul Meyer I’m from Boise State University and my major is gaming interactive media and mobile technology here in the College of Innovation and Design. And my role on the team for the NASA seeds project is a developer and I’m heading up the voice prompts portion of the development team and something fun about me is that I love puns. I’m a real punster.

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Altmiller Miller I am the UX designer on the team. I am a GIMM major and a fun fact about me is that I know all of the lyrics to the Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Sound of Music, and the Greatest Showman.

I’m Charles Burnell, my major is math and computer science. I am a developer on the team and once for the Navy, I supervised people mopping the ceiling.

Oh hello, my name is Brenna. I’m from Boise State University studying computer science. I’m a junior. My role on the team, I’m going to be doing design and some development with the menu anchoring part of the project. And something fun about me is I studied abroad in Sweden last spring.

Hey guys my name is Tyler Chapman. I am ITM major and GIMM major at Boise State University. I lead the anchoring team here for the NASA suits program, and a fun fact about me is not only am I in DePaul sponge which is a pretty fun fact as it is but I also grew up on a fish hatchery here in a really small town in Idaho.

Hi my name is Michael Plaisance. I’m a computer science major. I’m a developer on the team and a fun fact about me as I really enjoy like sitting in hot cars.

My name is Olivia Thomas and I’m a sophomore at Boise State University. I’m double majoring in computer science and GIMM. And my role on the team is going to mostly working on the dominant with a menu anchoring and also just generally helping coordinate things. And fun fact about me is that I have read Delivering six times.

Hello my name is Dean Cohen. I’m part of the games interactive media and mobile technology major. My role on this team is mainly a programmer and one interesting fact about me is that I am incredibly knowledgeable about World of Warcraft lore.

[Music and credits]