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Student Advisory Board 2024-2025

A Voice for Students

Meet your 2024-2025 SAB

The Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering program is dedicated to the success of our students. To that end, we actively solicit input from students on areas of curriculum, facilities, academic support, equipment, teaching, and more!

Our Student Advisory Board is an elected body to represent YOUR thoughts to the department administration.

SAB Members

  • Nuha Akhtar

    Nuha Akhtar

    Fourth Year - Chair

    Being on the SAB, I would be able to highlight the perspectives and opinions of underrepresented students in the department. Working in the EIS and in several labs, I am exposed to the needs of our student population when it comes to funding, upper-division elective classes/curriculum, and potential opportunities for students. The SAB would allow me to express these needs and any other concerns or criticisms students may have to create positive change in our department.

    Previous SAB member; EIS Student Shop Supervisor, Microgravity Team Lead, Ceramic Microelectrical Mechanical Systems (C-MEMS) Lab, Collaboratory of Epitaxy for Nanomaterials (CEN), Principal Alto Saxophone in BSU Symphonic Winds, BSU Tennis Club, Honors College

    Being on the SAB, I would be able to highlight the perspectives and opinions of underrepresented students in the department. Working in the EIS and in several labs, I am exposed to the needs of our student population when it comes to funding, upper-division elective classes/curriculum, and potential opportunities for students. The SAB would allow me to express these needs and any other concerns or criticisms students may have to create positive change in our department.

  • Dmitri Albig

    Dmitri Albig

    Third Year

    I am interested in serving on the Student Advisory Board to enhance the engineering program’s effectiveness in catering to students’ needs. My goal is to ensure that students not only comprehend the material but also get the practical skills applicable to their future careers. Having experienced firsthand the challenges in certain engineering courses that stop students from pursuing their goals, I am keen to enhance these classes by having more hands-on learning experiences. Recognizing that each student learns differently, I believe implementing personalized study groups, such as LA sessions, would greatly benefit the mechanical engineering student body.

    Master tinkerer for all kinds of engineering with a love for building and innovating.

    I am interested in serving on the Student Advisory Board to enhance the engineering program’s effectiveness in catering to students’ needs. My goal is to ensure that students not only comprehend the material but also get the practical skills applicable to their future careers. Having experienced firsthand the challenges in certain engineering courses that stop students from pursuing their goals, I am keen to enhance these classes by having more hands-on learning experiences. Recognizing that each student learns differently, I believe implementing personalized study groups, such as LA sessions, would greatly benefit the mechanical engineering student body.

  • Natalie Ayala

    Natalie Ayala

    Second Year

    I would like to contribute a unique perspective to the Student Advisory Board. Being a first-generation and second-generation immigrant student I’ve experienced firsthand how hard it is to learn about opportunities such as internships, scholarships, research projects, etc. My goal is to be a voice for all students who are struggling to find these opportunities and encourage them to go after them. I’ve noticed how intimidating it can be to write an application and feel that there must be a way that we could actively help students gain that courage. As a member of VIPs and a club, I’ve noticed the lack of space available for clubs and VIP teams to store their equipment properly. My goal on the Student Advisory Board would be to bring these concerns to the table and help the clubs who don’t have adequate space for their equipment and activities. My overall goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of the BSU students.

    Passionate about space exploration; member of Aerospace Club, NASA SUITS VIP and NASA Microgravity VIP; Honors College; Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society. I like to be in the Engineering Innovation Studio learning how to MIG and TIG weld. I time learning Hispanic folkloric dances from the Ballet Folklorico Mexico Lindo dance studio.

    I would like to contribute a unique perspective to the Student Advisory Board. Being a first-generation and second-generation immigrant student I’ve experienced firsthand how hard it is to learn about opportunities such as internships, scholarships, research projects, etc. My goal is to be a voice for all students who are struggling to find these opportunities and encourage them to go after them. I’ve noticed how intimidating it can be to write an application and feel that there must be a way that we could actively help students gain that courage. As a member of VIPs and a club, I’ve noticed the lack of space available for clubs and VIP teams to store their equipment properly. My goal on the Student Advisory Board would be to bring these concerns to the table and help the clubs who don’t have adequate space for their equipment and activities. My overall goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of the BSU students.

  • Connor Barry

    Connor Barry

    Fourth Year

    Being on the student advisory board would allow me to advocate for the future students of the College of Engineering. As a shop supervisor I love to help new students learn new skills, improve on ones they already have, and problem solve various projects and see them succeed. I would like to see the EIS become a more prominent aspect of the College of Engineering, not only for Mechanical but expand to other fields such as Civil, Engineering and Materials Science.

    Mechanical Engineering Club Design Lead, EIS Shop Supervisor

    Being on the student advisory board would allow me to advocate for the future students of the College of Engineering. As a shop supervisor I love to help new students learn new skills, improve on ones they already have, and problem solve various projects and see them succeed. I would like to see the EIS become a more prominent aspect of the College of Engineering, not only for Mechanical but expand to other fields such as Civil, Engineering and Materials Science.

  • Gabe Cavazos

    Gabe Cavazos

    First Year

    As someone who was not a fan of traditional education in my younger years, I have grown to understand the things that pushed me(and others) away, how to contend with them, as well as make the most out of my experiences. I have a unique perspective being an adult student, I went to a technical school, and had a 10 year career in the automotive field. I think I can contribute some big lessons learned from my time in the professional world, and as my time mentoring new mechanics. I don’t have a problem speaking up in almost any context, and I will gladly advocate for my constituents, even if that means I am standing alone as long as I believe I have a compelling case to make. I also have a good habit of being able to find common ground with just about anyone, this allows me to have influence and an “ear to the ground” so to speak in many different arenas. As a part time student I also have the benefit of being a BSU attendee for a longer period of time than others, giving me the ability to see longer term effects of changes, so I may give better feedback.

    33 year old Father of one, Senior Master Mechanic, 3D printing hobbyist, fabricator, Currently working as an Equipment Technician at Micron, attending part time for a BSME.

    As someone who was not a fan of traditional education in my younger years, I have grown to understand the things that pushed me(and others) away, how to contend with them, as well as make the most out of my experiences. I have a unique perspective being an adult student, I went to a technical school, and had a 10 year career in the automotive field. I think I can contribute some big lessons learned from my time in the professional world, and as my time mentoring new mechanics. I don’t have a problem speaking up in almost any context, and I will gladly advocate for my constituents, even if that means I am standing alone as long as I believe I have a compelling case to make. I also have a good habit of being able to find common ground with just about anyone, this allows me to have influence and an “ear to the ground” so to speak in many different arenas. As a part time student I also have the benefit of being a BSU attendee for a longer period of time than others, giving me the ability to see longer term effects of changes, so I may give better feedback.

  • Taylor Hatch

    Taylor Hatch

    Second Year

    I would like to help and build the culture of the College of engineering and support the students. It is very important for students to get hands-on learning opportunities and so I would like to work towards every student having the opportunity to professionally develop themselves in real world skills.

    Microgravity, Aerospace Club, Society of Women Engineers, Tennis, Backpacking

    I would like to help and build the culture of the College of engineering and support the students. It is very important for students to get hands-on learning opportunities and so I would like to work towards every student having the opportunity to professionally develop themselves in real world skills.

  • Emma Hill

    Emma Hill

    Second Year

    I would like to be a part of the Student Advisory Board to help the students have a voice about where they want their money to go. I want to be able to provide a way for all students to be able to gain access to the change they want to see on campus, and be able to advocate for what should be done for the students. Whether that be helping provide more learning opportunities or helping the students have access to the materials they need. I want to be able to be someone that the students can approach with their ideas.

    Living Learning Program (Engineering and Innovation Community), Cellist, Pottery, Woodworking, Skiing, Open Water Scuba Certified, Knee Boarding, and Student Advisory Board.

    I would like to be a part of the Student Advisory Board to help the students have a voice about where they want their money to go. I want to be able to provide a way for all students to be able to gain access to the change they want to see on campus, and be able to advocate for what should be done for the students. Whether that be helping provide more learning opportunities or helping the students have access to the materials they need. I want to be able to be someone that the students can approach with their ideas.

  • Brody Jack

    Brody Jack

    Fourth Year

    I want to serve on the Student Advisory Board because I believe I can help improve the structure of the ME program as well as voice concerns that other students may have. As someone who is going into their final year, I have experienced many different courses and faculty and have an idea of things that could be improved and changed. While I have enjoyed my time here at Boise State, my goal is to use my past experiences and knowledge to help improve the program and make it even better for the incoming students. I know that there are various classes that many students, including myself, would like to see become electives and I want to help implement those into the ME program. I also work in the EIS, so I have seen many students work there and spend a lot of time there. I would like to see more funding and opportunities available for the EIS in the future as I believe it would be beneficial to both students and faculty.

    Autonomous Robotics Systems, Supervisor in the Engineering Innovation Studio

    I want to serve on the Student Advisory Board because I believe I can help improve the structure of the ME program as well as voice concerns that other students may have. As someone who is going into their final year, I have experienced many different courses and faculty and have an idea of things that could be improved and changed. While I have enjoyed my time here at Boise State, my goal is to use my past experiences and knowledge to help improve the program and make it even better for the incoming students. I know that there are various classes that many students, including myself, would like to see become electives and I want to help implement those into the ME program. I also work in the EIS, so I have seen many students work there and spend a lot of time there. I would like to see more funding and opportunities available for the EIS in the future as I believe it would be beneficial to both students and faculty.

  • Daniel Miller

    Daniel Miller

    Third Year

    I would like to offer my perspective to the strengths and weaknesses of the engineering program as a student currently in it. The majority of our program’s courses are great but they have their moments and as I’ve been told, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I’d like to focus on finding ways to improve course quality in areas that get neglected. I have been impressed by the revamp of the experimental methods labs and junior design courses for their new focus on real student involvement. I would like to carry their momentum to help encourage all courses to pursue quality lessons, proper support, and professor commitment to students with the result of real student learning and skill retention. If each course is a link in a skills chain I’d like for BSU students to have the opportunity to use the most robust chain come graduation.

    MechE Club HPVC Project, Ceramic Micro-Electrical Mechanical Systems (C-MEMS) Lab, ASME, Biking, Snowboarding, General Outdoorsing

    I would like to offer my perspective to the strengths and weaknesses of the engineering program as a student currently in it. The majority of our program’s courses are great but they have their moments and as I’ve been told, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I’d like to focus on finding ways to improve course quality in areas that get neglected. I have been impressed by the revamp of the experimental methods labs and junior design courses for their new focus on real student involvement. I would like to carry their momentum to help encourage all courses to pursue quality lessons, proper support, and professor commitment to students with the result of real student learning and skill retention. If each course is a link in a skills chain I’d like for BSU students to have the opportunity to use the most robust chain come graduation.

  • Morgan Roberts

    Morgan Roberts

    Third Year

    Serving on the Student Advisory Board would present the opportunities to represent students within the College of Engineering, advocating for curriculum enhancement, initiating sustainability efforts, and so much more. Currently, many students lack the resources or knowledge regarding what clubs are in COEN and the benefits that come with joining an organization. If I were a part of the Student Advisory Board, I would want to contribute by making information regarding clubs and organizations easier to access for those who want to get involved but don’t know where to start. Additionally, being a part of the Student Advisory Board would mean having the ability to bridge the gap between students and faculty members. With my previous knowledge acquired through my involvement in COEN, I believe that I can contribute by discussing with other students, gathering feedback from students through surveys, and presenting this to faculty members and administration within COEN.

    President of Society of Women Engineers, Microgravity Club, Machine Shop Supervisor in the Engineering Innovation Studio, Boise State Honors College, Boise State Club Volleyball

    Serving on the Student Advisory Board would present the opportunities to represent students within the College of Engineering, advocating for curriculum enhancement, initiating sustainability efforts, and so much more. Currently, many students lack the resources or knowledge regarding what clubs are in COEN and the benefits that come with joining an organization. If I were a part of the Student Advisory Board, I would want to contribute by making information regarding clubs and organizations easier to access for those who want to get involved but don’t know where to start. Additionally, being a part of the Student Advisory Board would mean having the ability to bridge the gap between students and faculty members. With my previous knowledge acquired through my involvement in COEN, I believe that I can contribute by discussing with other students, gathering feedback from students through surveys, and presenting this to faculty members and administration within COEN.

  • Jacob West

    Jake West

    Fourth Year - Co-Chair

    As a non-traditional college student, it is important to me that transferring into the program is seamless and easy. I believe Boise State should work closely with CWI and CSI to ensure incoming students are prepared. I would work to improve this process for incoming students.

    Previous SAB member; Vacuum Electronics Lab; CAES Consortium; skiing, biking, and auto mechanics; plays bass guitar

    As a non-traditional college student, it is important to me that transferring into the program is seamless and easy. I believe Boise State should work closely with CWI and CSI to ensure incoming students are prepared. I would work to improve this process for incoming students.