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Research Lab References

To save time and encourage compliance, we’ve put together resources for the more common business interactions.

man working on laptop

Purchasing Information and Student Hiring




The University Purchasing department delegates small dollar purchasing authority to departments via use of a Purchasing Card (P-Card). P-Cardholders (Cardholders) and departments are required to maintain the integrity of the P-Card program by understanding and adhering to the policy and procedures governing the use of a P-Card. Cardholders who do not comply with the policy and procedures may have their P-Card privileges temporarily or permanently revoked by their department or the University P-Card Administrator (P-Card Administrator).

Full P-Card Policy

Contract Vendors

The department utilizes Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) for purchasing equipment and materials where the total is under $2999.99. These purchases are regulated by the university P-Card policy.

3.6 Unauthorized P-Card Purchases

c. Failure to Use Mandatory State Contracts

(i.) State of Idaho contracts must be used for the purchase of goods and services if the needed items are available from a contract vendor. Cost cannot be a factor in choosing an off-contract vendor.

(ii.) View the Statewide Contracts and Price Agreements to determine the availability of goods and services needed.

The Idaho State contract vendors for research/laboratory supplies are:


Purchases through non-contract vendors can be made as long as the following is met:

    • The item is not sold by a contract vendor
    • Specific requirements for the item cannot be obtained through a contract vendor
    • Sufficient quantity of the item is not available through a contract vendor

In these cases, the attempt to find the item(s) from a contract vendor and why they can’t should be submitted as part of the business purpose when requesting the purchase.


Student Hiring – UG

When hiring a research assistant for your lab, be sure to have the following information:

    • Student name AND ID number
    • Start and end dates
    • Number of hours per week maximum – If the student is also employed elsewhere, note that the maximum hours they can work total is 29 per week. If approved hours for the two jobs exceed that total, please verify that the student is aware that they can only work up to 29 hours between the two positions each week.
    • Rate of pay
    • Supervisor name and ID number
    • Fund source – If the fund source(s) includes a grant that will expire before the end of the student appointment, you must notify the COEN business office and get their permission, along with how you plan to pay the student after the expiration date. If approved, a fund source change document can be submitted with the student hire that will move their funding at the time the grant expires.
    • Access – to which rooms/doors will the student need access?

Once you have all the information, submit your hiring request here.

Student Hiring – GA

When hiring a Graduate Research Assistant for your lab, be sure to have the following information:

    • Student name AND ID number
    • Start and end dates – Note that this type of hire can not exceed 365 days
    • Number of hours per week – This is generally a maximum of 20 per the GA agreement. Note that a student on an assistantship cannot hold another student permission without express permission from the Graduate College.
    • Rate of pay – GA’s are generally salaried, so an annual salary amount is expected.
    • Supervisor name and number
    • Fund source – If the fund source(s) includes a grant that will expire before the end of the student appointment, you must notify the COEN business office and get their permission, along with how you plan to pay the student after the expiration date. If approved, a fund source change document can be submitted with the student hire that will move their funding at the time the grant expires.
    • Tuition and Fees Fund Source – Note that tuition and fees are also generally paid for a GA. These fees should be distributed proportionally based on the effort expended on each grant-funded project.
    • Access – to which rooms/doors will the student need access?

Once you have all the information, submit your hiring request here.