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Remotely Accessible 3D Print Remover

Schematic of Showcase Project

Project Details

Willowview Consulting LLC is an engineering consulting firm that wants to optimize its 3D printing capabilities by implementing a remote print removal system to increase printing efficiency. To accomplish this task, the team prototyped multiple ideas on Solidworks and became inspired by a garage door assembly. This device was designed for the Prusa i3 printer while being capable of adapting to future printer models including the Prusa XL. The team’s device interfaces with the client’s Octoprint software and Raspberry Pi enabling the user to control the system. When a print is complete the assembly moves into the printing area and begins the removal process while maximizing usable print volume. The design will allow Willowview’s engineers to print consecutively without needing to be in the office to clear the bed.

Team Members

members of the 3D Print Remover team - Fall 2022 CDS

Jaden Graves
Luis Ojeda
Dylan Ward
Micah Franklin


Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering


Aaron Smith, Ph.D.
Gary Carlson


Willowview Consulting LLC; Ryan Kahre and Jim Shaver

Willowview Consulting logo

Capstone Design Showcase