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Cow-E-Virtual Fence Collar

Smith and Molsbee are ranchers in Nevada that are specifically having trouble with a portion of their virtual E. Collars. Notably they have cited that the pace at which they can remove and replace the Cow E. Collar has been a problem. In addition, the previous models have broken and/or caused injury to the cattle over the season. We must find an alternative that meets the pre-existing requirements while reducing the time it takes to get a cow de-collard, checked, and re-collared while also making sure it does not break or cause injury to the cattle. We are to find a solution that doesn’t break when a cow rubs up against various objects and allows for quick detachment and reattachment of the cow E. collars.

Team Members

Iris Torres
Ashley Jensen
Zephyr Barnes


Engineering Plus


Professor Jared Talley