Contact Steve
Steve Russ
Adjunct Instructor
Fall 2023 Courses
ME 287 Design 1 with LabI am a ceramics engineer with QTI Sensing Solutions. My primary focus is on process management and development of new ceramic material for use in temperature sensing products. I am a long-time Boise resident and graduated with my BS in Materials Science and Engineering in 2019. I am also currently pursuing my MBA through Boise State University.
Mechanical and Biomedical EngineeringFall 2023 Courses
ME 287 Design 1 with LabI am a ceramics engineer with QTI Sensing Solutions. My primary focus is on process management and development of new ceramic material for use in temperature sensing products. I am a long-time Boise resident and graduated with my BS in Materials Science and Engineering in 2019. I am also currently pursuing my MBA through Boise State University.