Smart Materials and Systems (SMS) Laboratory

Undergraduate Research Assistant Position
Start Date: Immediately
End Date: Dec 31, 2024 (Can be extended)
Research Focus: 1) Advanced 3D printing of functional materials through cutting-edge material extrusion methods, 2) Synthesis and analysis of nanomaterials or nanocomposites, or 3) Evaluation of advanced sensors and actuators. More details can be found on the Smart Materials and Systems Laboratory website.
Job Description: The Smart Materials and Systems Lab is looking to recruit two dynamic individuals to contribute to our research endeavors. Both selected candidates will receive support from the lab to acquire machine shop tags.
- The first position is for a NASA-funded project. The successful candidate will be tasked with operating a Hyrel 3D printer to create functional films responsive to magnetic, electrical, or thermal stimuli. Responsibilities include aiding in ink synthesis, printer operation, and material post-treatment.
- The second position is linked to an INL-funded project, focusing on the assessment of innovative acoustic sensors for next-generation nuclear reactors. The role involves assisting in the design and machining of test rigs, as well as collecting vibration data using a Polytec laser vibrometer.
Pay Rate: $12-$18/hour based on experience and research progress.
Expected Hours: Part-time during Spring/Fall semesters (>15 hours / week)
Full-time in Summer (30-40 hours / week)
If Interested: Send your resume and unofficial transcript to Dr. Zhangxian Deng (