Mechanical engineering students – it’s almost time to register for Fall 2023 classes!
Click Here to Schedule an Advising Appointment
Enrollment date
View your Fall 2023 enrollment appointment now on your My Boise State My Academics page following your name and major. Enrollment dates are assigned as follows:
- 3/13/23 @ 8 am- priority registration for Honors, Marching Band, NCAA athletes, veterans benefit eligible, Learning Assistants from spring 2023
- 3/27/23 @ 8 am – Finish in 4 students registered prior to spring 2023 and have completed a semester at Boise State
- 3/27/23 to 4/14/23 @ 8 am or 1 pm –  based on the number of credits earned prior to spring 2023
Be sure to take care of any holds, including advising and the fall 2023 student financial agreement posting soon.  View your To Do items and Holds.  If this is your first semester at Boise State you have a Required Advising Hold and must schedule an advising appointment.
Fall 2023 ME Electives
Elective requirements vary by catalog year but must be 300-400 level upper division courses. For those on 2019-20 and older catalogs, you must complete 6 credits of 300-400 ME courses and 3 credits of upper division technical electives. Those on the 2020-21 and newer catalogs must complete 6 credits of upper division electives from the College of Engineering (includes 300-400 level CE, CS, CSE, ECE, ENGR, ME or MSE courses) and 6 credits of upper division technical electives. Note that all upper division courses on the MBE certificates can apply as technical electives.  Below is a list of the Fall 2023 ENGR and ME 300-400 elective options with links to course descriptions:
- ENGR 420 Managing Change in a Knowledge-Based Economy
- ME337 – Introduction to Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
- ME442 – Corrosion Engineering
- ME 460 Computer Aided Design
- ME 470 Finite Element Analysis
- ME 477 Biomaterials
- ME 479 Undergraduate Research (coordinate class registration with faculty)
- ME 493 Internship (Internship information and application for approval)
- ME 497 Optimization Theory & Practice – Basics of optimization theory, numerical algorithms and applications. The course is divided into three main parts: linear programming (simplex method, duality theory), unconstrained methods (optimality conditions, descent algorithms and convergence theorems), and constrained minimization (Lagrange multipliers, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, active set, penalty and interior point methods, and global optimization methods such as genetic algorithm and simulated an-annealing). Applications in engineering, operations, finance, statistics, etc. will be emphasized. Students will also use optimization packages to obtain practical experience with the material.
Application for admission to Upper Division
Pre-mechanical engineering students must fill out the Admission to Mechanical Engineering form to apply for admission to the Mechanical Engineering major in the same semester students are finishing their last ME core course. Those currently enrolled in ME 203 and/or ME 273 on the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 catalogs, or ME 321 on the 2018-19 or 2019-20 catalogs should apply no later than April 15th. Please note, if you are being admitted to upper division based on a spring 2023 class grade(s) which post May 9th, you won’t be able to enroll in classes for fall 2023 that require admission to upper division (ME 303, ME 313, ME 323, or ME 387) until approximately May 12th.
Student Financial Agreement and Important Fall 2023 Deadlines
All students have a Student Financial Agreement Hold placed on their account each semester.  See here for step by step instructions on how to release your student financial agreement. Be sure you are aware of the important dates and deadlines for the Fall 2023 semester including financial aid deadlines
- 8/4/23 – Recommended date to finalize your student course schedules for fall 2023 for financial aid purposes. Students must be enrolled in 12 credits for financial aid to be applied to your account on time
- 8/11/23 – Earliest date that spring semester aid (scholarships, loans, grants) can be applied toward paying spring fees. Check your account at the end of the day today for disbursements.
- 8/19/23 – Fee payment deadline for students registered for fall 2023 semester.
- 8/21/23 – First day of spring fall 2023 classes
- 8/25/23 – Last day to add a regular session class without a permission number
- 8/25/23 – Deadline to apply to graduate in fall 2023 without a late fee
- 9/1/23 – Last day to drop a regular session class without a W, receive a refund
- 9/27//23 – Last day to add undergraduate fall 2023 internship and independent study (internship information and application )
- 10/27/23 – last day to drop a regular session class with a W
Searching and registering for classes
Step by step instructions on searching and registering for classes
- Don’t forget to add coreq labs and classes to your shopping cart and enroll in coreqs from your shopping cart. (CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L or PHYS 211, PHYS 211L and MATH 170)
- All students can take online classes with section numbers that start with a 40## or 41##. However 42## sections are reserved for students in an entirely online major program only
Academic Requirements Report (AAR), aka Graduation Checklist
Your Academic Requirements Report or AAR is your official graduation checklist which you should review before and after registering every semester. Degree Tracker is an unofficial planning tool, don’t rely just on Degree Tracker.

Advising Appointment
QUESTIONS? Schedule an appointment (in person, phone, or Zoom) or send Lynn an email
Lynn Olson, PEÂ Asst. Director of Advising
Boise State University, College of Engineering (COEN)
Phone: (208) 426-2686
Email:Â lynnolson1@boisestate.edu
Mail: 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725-2065
Location: Charles P. Ruch Engineering Building Room 101, 1375 University Drive, Boise ID, 83706
Web: Schedule an Advising Appointment