Meeting Time and Dates: May 9-20, Noon-2PM
Location: MEC 307
Instructor: Dr. Zhangxian Deng, Assistant Professor – Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering

Join Dr. Deng for a free COMSOL workshop this Summer. This is an in-person workshop only and will meet for two weeks. This workshop is BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) and is limited to 30 participants. Student COMSOL training module download will be provided.
The finite element method is a popular technique for numerically solving differential equations arising in mechanical, electrical, and biomedical engineering. This workshop will provide a two-week long training on COMSOL Multiphysics, which is a commercial finite element analysis tool. After completing this workshop, participants are expected to gain a basic understanding of simulating mechanical, electrical, thermal, and magnetic systems. A couple of lectures will also cover more advanced topics, such as multiphysics coupling, nonlinear material properties, and solving general partial differential equations.
Questions? Contact zhangxiandeng@boisestate.edu