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Join an Engineering Education study

I am looking for freshmen, sophomore, and senior mechanical engineering students to participate in my research project surrounding engineering education, specifically dealing with design.

  • Students must be enrolled in either ME 187, ME 287, ME 481, or ME 483.
  • If you participate in my project, you will receive extra credit in your course.
  • Participants will be asked to complete a very short survey, and participate in a design project, over zoom, lasting at a maximum of three hours.
  • You don’t need any supplies, and the design project will be the end of your commitment!
  • Your identity will also be entirely anonymous; demographic information is used only to describe the population of participants, not individual students.
Samantha Schauer
Samantha Schauer

If you have any questions or if you’d like to participate, email Samantha Schauer ( with the relevant class you’re enrolled in and I’ll communicate with you from there. There’s no limit to the number of participants; the more the merrier! I would really love your participation as it’s crucial to my research that I’m conducting for my master’s thesis.