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Job Search Skills presentation – Oct. 7

man offering handshake with panel of professionals

It’s time to start thinking about your career – internships, career fairs, mock interviews, and summer positions. The College of Engineering is pleased to bring you a great resource for helping you find  – and nail – those choice opportunities.

Eric Wardell has a rare blend of technical experience, business acumen, and leadership skills that allow him to bridge the gap between management and engineering. In 2018, Eric wrote a book to help engineers & students get great jobs. This book – Engineering Jobology 101 – teaches key skills often missing from engineering curriculum including job searching, resumes, interview preparation, negotiation tactics, and more.

Eric Wardell

Eric Wardell is a mechanical engineer that works at Collins Aerospace. He’ll be presenting to Boise State engineering students via Zoom on Wednesday, October 7 at 5:30pm.

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