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MSE Four Year Plan

Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering

2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Total Credits: 120

The 4-year plan described on this page is one possible example of how our degree requirements can go together. The plan was designed to support flexibility, allowing students to choose the path that makes the most sense for their future plans. We strongly encourage you to meet with your MSE Advisor to select the elective options that best meet your goals. Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions and degree requirements are published on the Undergraduate Catalog site. Updated June 2024.

First Year

SemesterCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
Fall CHEM 111 General Chemistry I FN3
Fall CHEM 111L General Chemistry I Laboratory FN1
Fall MATH 170Calculus I FM4
Fall MSE 101Intro to Materials Engineering3
Fall UF 100Foundations of Intellectual Life3
Fall SEMESTER TOTAL6 courses14 credits
SpringPHYS 211Physics I with Calculus FN4
SpringPHYS 211LPhysics I with Calculus Lab FN1
SpringMATH 175Calculus II4
SpringENGL 101Introduction to College Writing FW3
Spring*MSE 150 or CS 133 Computing Requirement3
SpringSEMESTER TOTAL6 courses15 credits

Second Year

SemesterCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
FallMATH 275Multivariable and Vector Calculus4
FallMSE 201Introduction to MSE3
FallMSE 280Intro to Materials Lab Practice2
FallENGL 102Introduction to College Writing and Research FW3
Fall*ENGR 210Engineering Mechanics I3
FallSEMESTER TOTAL5 courses15 credits
SpringMATH 333Differential Equations 4
SpringFCFoundations in Oral Communication3
SpringMSE 315Materials Processing3
SpringPHYS 212Physics II with Calculus4
SpringPHYS 212LPhysics II with Calculus Lab1
SpringSEMESTER TOTAL5 Courses15 credits

Third Year

SemesterCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
FallMSE 308Thermodynamics of Materials3
FallMSE 311Electrical Properties of Materials3
FallMSE 380Materials Properties Laboratory3
FallUF 200Civic and Ethical Foundations3
FallVaries*Science Elective3-5
FallSEMESTER TOTAL5 courses15-17 credits
SpringMSE 318Phase Transformations and Kinetics3
SpringMSE 312Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
Spring*MSE 479Undergraduate Research3
Spring*MATH 360Engineering Statistics3
SpringVariesFA, FH, or FS course3
SpringSEMESTER TOTAL5 courses15 credits

Fourth Year

SemesterCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
FallMSE 480Senior Project3
FallMSE 498Materials Science Seminar1
Fall*ENGR 240Engineering Circuits3
FallENGINEERINGFA, FH, or FS course3
FallENGINEERINGFA, FH, or FS course3
FallVariesFree Elective3
FallSEMESTER TOTAL6 courses16 credits
SpringMSE 482Senior Project II FF3
SpringVariesFA, FH, or FS course3
SpringVariesUpper Division Elective3
SpringVariesUpper Division Elective3
SpringVariesFree Elective3
SpringSEMESTER TOTAL6 courses15 credits


  • Courses with an asterisk (*) indicate a recommended option for a selective elective course. Pre-approved options listed here:
  • Engineering Fundamentals Elective: ENGR210, ENGR 220, CE 330, ENGR 240, ECE 210, ME 302, ME 330
  • Statistics Elective: MATH 254, MATH 360, MATH 361
  • Science Elective: CHEM 112&L, PHYS 212&L, BIOL 191, BIOL 227, CHEM 307, CHEM 309, CHEM 431, PHYS 309&L
  • Project Based Engineering Elective: ENGR 380, MSE 479, MSE 493, Select VIP courses
  • Computing Elective: Pick from MSE 150, CS 133, CE 284, CS 111, CS 117, CS 121,ME 271
  • Courses in italics indicate elective options. Many of these elective options have pre-approved choices. Choose from among the options listed or talk with your advisor if you’d like to propose something else.
  • All students must complete at least 120 total credits, and 40 credits of upper division (300 and 400-level classes). The number of  elective credits included in the major will vary depending on what other courses are taken.
  • FOUNDATIONS COURSES. In addition to named specific courses ENGL 101, ENGR 102, UF 100, UF 200, students need to take one FC (foundations in oral communication), one FA, one FH, and two FS courses.  FS courses must come from two different fields as stated in the University General Education Requirements
  • GRADE POLICY: A C- or higher is required for all prerequisite courses  & for all upper division courses in the student’s major.  University Foundations requirements including  University Foundation(UF) and Foundations of the Discipline (FD) courses require a grade of C- or higher in each course
  • Contact Cindy Hardy ( or Jessica Economy ( with questions.