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Faculty and Staff Engineering FAQs


Common Questions

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions addressed by college Information Technology (COEN IT Services) support staff, along with useful tips and tricks and presented here as questions.

Note: Answers may contain shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations are presented such as Ctrl+Alt+Delete (which means to press and hold down the Control key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time). Menu Selections will be presented such as File->Open (which means to open the File Menu and then make the Open selection).

Questions and Instructions

Access To Networked Engineering Printers

How do I access COEN network printers?

Printer connections are user-specific (which means IT Staff cannot connect your printers behind the scenes; it requires user intervention).

Users must establish a printer connection while logged into  their own account (a one-time configuration step).

On Windows computers:

From the taskbar, right click the Windows Logo

select Run

(or from the ‘start orb’ in the blank ‘run’ field), enter one of the other server names listed below

  \\coen-birch (Boisestate Domain)

   \\coen-cypress  (ENGR Domain)

Double click the printer object to attach to it.

For more information, see this Access Windows Networked Printers document, illustrating the process.

Mapping U and W Drives

How to Map COEN U: (personal) or W:  (common) Drives Drive Manually

Step 1:

Go to This PC (Windows 10), right click  “Map Network Drive”

Step 2:

“Map Network Drive” window

Select “W:” or “U:” as the drive to map

W: \\coen-maple\common
U: \\coen-maple\personaldrives\username

Step 3:

When prompted at ‘Enter network credentials’ window, change from local PC (an ENG#) to the BoiseState or ENGR domain, and your own user ID.

(The BoiseState ID and password is the same as for PeopleSoft/MyBoiseState/GoogleApps resources.)

For more information, see this MapUorWdrives document, illustrating the process, or click the Additional FAQs about the W: drive  for more information.

How to Use Engineering Consoles

How Do I Switch Computers at Engineering Classroom or Computer Lab Consoles?

Lecturing console computers and AV equipment in Ruch 213, 238 and 335 have similar Audio Visual (scalar switch) hardware:

  VGA 1 on the switch equipment is reserved for the computer console

  VGA 2 is for a laptop

Set VPN Access

How do I access the VPN?

To use the University VPN (Virtual Private Network) you must agree to review and accept the terms listed in BSU’s Information Technology policy posted as follows:

After agreeing to abide by these policies and gaining access, users must download the appropriate VPN programs from

Students requiring VPN access must have it approved through a faculty advisor or sponsor.

Login with your “MyBoiseState” (BroncoWeb) user-id and password to log into the VPN system.

In May 2020, the University’s Office of Information Technology implemented Duo Security as a multi-factor authentication solution for layered VPN security.

Users can then launch Remote Desktop (using the computer name or IP address) to attach to a Windows-based computer to access specialized software such as Adobe Pro, or various scientific applications installed on the desktop.

Where Are ‘Everyone’ Files

I saved files to the ‘Everyone’ folder on the W: drive.  Why can’t I find them?

The “everyone” folder is for temporary file sharing access, only. See FAQs regarding the W: drive and “everyone” folder.  It is purged periodically to manage space and preserve system health, which is announced via email from the Dean’s office or sent directly to user groups.

If you need a permanent storage solution for your files, contact COEN IT Staff for assistance.

Edit Web Pages

I need assistance with WordPress editing and creating web pages.  Who can help me?

Michele Armstrong is the college Graphic Design Specialist and can assist you with both design and technical questions –

Administrator Access

I’m not an administrator on my Windows machine. Why?

Administrator rights allow malicious code to more easily execute and infect computers. Domain users are “Power Users” to prevent the spread of viruses.  This also secures the My Documents folder from being viewed by others that login to the computer.  For temporary administrative access to install software, contact COEN ITS Staff.

Install Software on Windows

I can’t install software to my Windows computer because I’m not an administrator.

Can you help?

Send an email to COEN IT Staff at and you’ll be added temporarily to an administrative access group so you can complete your install.  The group is routinely cleaned out (usually Monday mornings) so your access will last for a week or less, depending on when you ask for rights.

Administrator Login Prompts

I have admin access, but still get prompts from Windows to login as an administrator.


If you are prompted on your Windows machine for administrative access more than once to install a driver, software, etc, this is a normal operating system security feature. Enter your login credentials along with your password:


and then your password

How Often Is Data Backed UP

How often is my data backed up?

Anything saved on COEN servers (L:, U:, W: drives) is backed up nightly.

Local hard drive files (computer’s c:\\ location) are not backed up.

Important documents should be saved to a COEN network server (L:, U: or W: drive), GoogleDocs, Dropbox, thumb or external backup drive to protect your data (even if your system crashes).

Is This Email Safe

I received a weird email asking me to login.  Is it legitimate?

Phishing schemes intended to capture user credentials or to install malicious software will encourage you to click attachments/links and/or login to non-Boise State websites.  If you do not recognize the sender, do not click the link.  Messages may also appear to come from legitimate Boise State email accounts, but could be spoofed.  (Please note: messages regarding VMAP (VMWare’s Academic Program) or the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching are in fact legitimate software programs.) 

The Office of Information Technology advises users not to respond to or click any links in a suspected Phishing message.

Please follow instructions on the OIT website to report phishing emails to Google.

For questions or further information, please contact the OIT Help Desk at or (208) 426-4357.

How Do I Move My Phone and Computer

I need to have my computer workstation and phone moved.

Can you help?

COEN IT services does not move equipment or furniture but will assist with testing the network and phone lines that may require activation.

Equipment moves are managed by the department with assistance from Paul Robertson, COEN Facilities Manager.

If network or phone ports need to be activated, the OIT Help Desk should be consulted (call 426-HELP or email:  They may charge for those services.