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Bring Us Projects

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The projects Boise State’s Engineering PLUS program is interested in involve service-learning. Service-learning can be defined as a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students seek to achieve real objectives for the community.

Therefore we are looking for projects that can directly benefit the community while equally benefitting the students.

Have a project for us?

Tell us about them by filling out this form!

Examples of service-learning projects:

  1. Engineering students had to develop games, models, and teaching methods to keep middle school students interested in science/engineering
  2. Incorporate technology and robotics in therapeutic play activities for children with disabilities.
  3. Design and assist in the construction of a new playground.
  4. Creating a healthy work environment for adults with disabilities through technology.

Our current service-learning projects:

  1. Using a commercially available robotic arm to feed a high school student with disabilities.
  2. Redesigning a pizza box in order to reduce the amount being thrown away or recycled.