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Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science

ECE Professor Jim Browning and his team recently received funding from the National Institutes of Health to establish a new Center of Biomedical Research Excellence here at Boise State.

The new center is the culmination of nearly five years of transdisciplinary collaboration between ECE professor Jim Browning and Ken Cornell, professor of Biochemistry. Their aim is to support collaborative research focused on the development of biomedical devices, sensors, and systems. Now, with this five-year $10.2 million award, they are poised to take their mission further.

“We’re trying to pull engineers into biomedical research and get people who are already involved in biomedical research working to solve their problems using an engineering approach”

The Convergent Engineering and Biomolecular Science COBRE effort is focused on building research infrastructure, including the purchase of new equipment and programming that sponsors researcher development.