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CS for All

Data-driven Security members stand in front of B

Computing is a fundamental component of today’s digital world, being used in virtually every industry.

Almost every major challenge our society faces involves turning to software for a solution. Medical imaging and other medical software applications are revolutionizing the practice of medicine, mobile devices are transforming the way people live and communicate, and web search engines have become a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives. None of these developments would be possible without advances in computer science. 

Due to the pervasive influence and use of computing in nearly every field, all students may consider obtaining some computing skills to enhance their contribution to their chosen field.  This can be as simple as taking one or more introductory CS courses, pursuing a minor in computer science or cybersecurity, or a data science certificate.

For example, if you are interested in learning Python to help in your finance career, you can consider any of the following:

    • Take CS 111: Intro to Programming – a 3 credit introductory course that teaches Python.
    • Take CS 133: Foundations of Data Science – a 3 credit introductory course that teaches Python using Data Science context.
    • After taking CS 133, you can continue on to CS 233 and even complete the Data Science certificate. All the courses in the data science certificate use Python.

Individuals with additional math background, might consider taking CS 121: Computer Science I (which has a calculus prereq).  Students who have taken CS 121, may follow-up with subsequent CS courses or pursue a CS minor.


Explore additional options for minors and certificates

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