Getting involved in a student organization is a great way to enrich your college experience. Student organizations provide opportunities to learn outside the classroom, meet new people, share interests, develop skills, and get involved in life on campus. And if that isn’t enough reason to inspire you, research indicates numerous benefits for those who choose to participate in college-related programs and activities. Joining one of Boise State’s 200 student clubs allows you to meet people, have fun, and find your passion.
Students who are involved tend to:
Get better grades
Be more successful in their academic program
Be more likely to stay in school and graduate on time
Feel more satisfied with their college experience
Be more marketable when job searching and applying to graduate schools
Develop valuable leadership and interpersonal skills
The Computer Science Club at Boise State University provides students an environment to experiment with computer science related applications. We are driven towards providing students projects to work on so that they can implement what they learn.
Are you interested, curious, or knowledgeable in Artificial Intelligence? The AI Club is a group of students (both undergraduate and graduate) that are interested in AI and seek a place to talk about it. Our goal is to form a community of interested students that share knowledge, passion, and skills. Let us know if you are interested.