CCP Details
Building Info
The entrance into the Boise State portion of the building is located on the east side and marked with Boise State signage. You can head up the Boise State stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor to find the CS department Admin Office (Suite 364). Coming for a quick visit? The best parking can be found in the Capitol Terrace garage across Main Street (enter the garage from Idaho St. or Main St. between 8th St. and Capitol Blvd.). The first hour is free and $3/hr for each hour afterwards, $15 per day. More information on parking and transportation can be found further down this page.
Since the Fall 2020 semester, building access has been adjusted to be accessible to the entire Boise State Community via their BroncoCard/Campus ID on Mondays through Fridays from 7:00am to 6:00pm. After 6:00pm, the building will only be accessible to students enrolled in CS classes or programs, CS faculty and CS staff via their BroncoCard/CampusID. If you are not Boise State affiliated and need access to the CCP Building, please contact to request and arrange for access.
Note: If you’re experiencing access issues with your Campus ID/proxy card, please email with: (1) your name, (2) student ID number and (3) the numbers printed on the back of your ID.
Floor Plans
You can view the building layout along with interior photos by visiting our virtual tour map!
Labs and Other Building Spaces
The building contains three labs and other spaces secured by proxy card access during and after business hours.
- Kount Learning Center (CCP 241): This lab is accessible 24/7 by proxy card access to all CS students and students enrolled in CS courses. You can learn more about this resource on our Success & Tutoring page.
- CS 121 Classroom Lab (CCP 242): This lab is accessible 24/7 by proxy card access to all CS students and students enrolled in CS courses. However this lab is not available during scheduled courses and course labs scheduled here (see schedule posted outside of lab).
- Metageek Lab (CCP 240): This lab is accessible 24/7 by proxy card access to all CS students and students enrolled in CS courses. However this lab is not during scheduled CS courses and course labs (see schedule posted outside of lab).
Graduate assistant research neighborhoods on both floors and faculty office corridors are open from 7am-6pm and available by proxy card access after hours for students assigned research areas in these spaces. Access to the 2nd floor area is located at the west entrance (near CCP 221) and the east entrance (near CCP 259). Access to the 3rd floor area is located just west of the main building elevator lobby or the south access (near the Gardner Company Visualization Center, CCP 342), while the north access near the admin office is egress only.
Mother’s Lounge
The mother’s lounge (a dedicated lactation room) is located in CCP 220 and is available for reservation through the CS Admin Office (CCP 364). A key to this room will be provided at the beginning of the reservation and must be returned immediately afterwards. This resource includes comfortable seating, a sink and a mini-fridge for short term storage. This room is for nursing mothers and any other uses are prohibited.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found is located on the third floor in the CCP 364 Main Office. Soon after the end of each semester, items not picked up from the prior semester are dispensed of.
The CCP 364 Main Office also includes the CS Department Breakroom which has a fridge/freezer, microwave, toaster oven, sink, etc. making it a great spot to prepare food brought from home. It also has tables inside and outside on the balcony for getting together with fellow students and faculty to enjoy your meals, wherever you get them from.
Transportation and Parking

A 20 minute scenic walk begins at the Friendship Bridge, runs along the south of Julia Davis Park, crosses Capitol Boulevard at the west entrance to Julia Davis Park and then heads due north to Main Street and the City Center Plaza building. A Google Map of this walking route can be found here. An additional option of using the Eighth Street corridor, BODO and south spoke of the Grove Plaza is available as well (Eighth street corridor map).