A two-day workshop introduced computer science and coding to high school students and high school teachers who are interested in learning  about computer science. The workshop included a special session for the teachers to prepare them with some strategies for introducing and teaching coding to their students.
The students built apps for Android phones using the AppInventor visual block language as well as wrote programs using the Processing language.
Forty five high school students and five teachers participated in the workshop. The faculty running the workshop included Tim Andersen, Amit Jain, Jyh-haw Yeh, Shane Panter and Louis Nadelson. Two undergraduate computer science students Audrey McCormick and Sarah Bradburn also helped out with the workshop. The workshop was sponsored by the Computer Science department and the Boise State Concurrent Enrollment program.
![kids at coding camp](https://www.boisestate.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/567/2014/06/DSC_0012new.jpg)