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Featured Student: Floriana Ciaglia

Picture of Floriana Ciaglia in an office

Meet Floriana Ciaglia, a recent Boise State graduate from Rome, Italy.

Why Boise State Computer Science?

When we asked Floriana why she chose Boise State University to study computer science, she shared:

“I chose to study computer science because the blend of logic and problem-solving nature of it intrigued me. I knew that Boise State University had a hands-on learning program and a supportive community that would prepare me well for the industry.”

The Classroom Experience

Floriana’s journey through the computer science program was both challenging and rewarding. She credits the support of her professors and classmates for helping her excel:

“I enjoyed my computer science classes. Every class had clearly defined goals with experienced instructors leading it. While the coursework was demanding, the professors were dedicated to students’ success and offered plenty of opportunities for additional support. The professors created a dynamic classroom experience by asking questions and encouraging student engagement. They assessed our learning through a mix of projects and exams. I remember making great use of office-hours and teaching assistants for one-on-one support whenever I needed it. Computer science is not an easy program, but Boise State does a great job providing the support students need to succeed.”

Beyond the Classroom

Outside of her coursework, Floriana worked as a research assistant, an opportunity that enhanced her Boise State experience and set her up for future success:

“I worked as a research assistant in the Adapt Data Flow Optimization Group for all four years. Being part of this research lab shaped my entire university experience. It introduced me to people that were fundamental in my development and success. I was exposed to concepts that were outside the scope of regular classes therefore, giving me more breath of knowledge. During my senior year, I also worked with the SLIM research lab which provided me with the machine learning background I later used in the industry.”

Advice for Future Students

Floriana offered some advice to students entering the program:

“Be open-minded, proactive and engaged. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Get involved in clubs, organizations, and research opportunities to expand your network and learn from others. The more you explore, the more doors will open for you.”

Life After Boise State

Since graduating, Floriana has been steadily building her career, starting with an internship and landing a full-time position:

“Since graduation, I have been working in industry. I had a short experience in the start-up world with a summer internship at Roboflow right after graduating. The following Fall, I started working for Hewlett Packard Enterprise as a Systems Software Engineer.”