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CS Seminar – Chris Geiser (Garrigan Lyman Group)


Friday, Oct 9
hosted by Garrigan Lyman Group (GLG)
Lunch will be provided!
And… there may be freebies!

You’ve had an awesome idea, and your prototype has legs. But what if you’re a hit? In focusing on new solutions we often lose track of the vital issues of performance and security. For performance many think, “that’s a good problem to have, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” – but how does that reflect on your new endeavor or brand, or your first check in the company Git repo, when the application code doesn’t scale to handle the load? In a like manner, while many think that they are not a target “hey we’re not political, or controversial – who would want to hack us?”- many before you have thought the same thing.

In this session, we will discuss methods of safeguarding your great work by planning for performance and security in your application architecture, and ensuring that you are a smash hit, and in the news for all the right reasons.

About Chris Geiser (aka Whitey):

One of GLG’s original core team of professionals, Chris “Whitey” Geiser plays a key role in delivering leading-edge technology solutions that move brands forward. Since 1996, he has led teams in providing enterprise technology solutions for such companies as T-Mobile, Microsoft, Avaya, and many others. To ensure that GLG’s technology operations evolve with industry best practices, he has established performance, extensibility, and security as the core principles of all technology efforts. He also serves as managing director of GLG’s New York office, where he has developed GLG’s strategic East Coast accounts. He holds an MBA from Bernard Baruch College, the City University of New York, and is an adjunct instructor in media business and motion picture technology at the New York Institute of Technology.