WHEN: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 5
WHERE: Boise State University Student Union Building
MORE INFORMATION: www.boisecodecamp.org
Organizers are preparing for their largest Boise Code Camp ever, with 750 software professionals, students and interested members of the public registered to attend. There’s a waiting list of about 80 people.
Despite Boise’s smaller size, it is one of the larger Code Camps nationally. The Chicago Code Camp, for example, had 500 registrations and 200 attendees last year. Utah Code Camp had 500 attendees also last year.
Boise Code Camp started eight years ago as a way for software professionals to share new ideas and approaches. While that’s still at the core of BCC, the event has broadened itself to draw in teenagers and boys and girls as young as 6 with its youth sessions.
The Computer Science Department in the College of Engineering of Boise State University is the primary host and sponsor of Boise Code Camp and major sponsors also include BodyBuilding.com, Clearwater Analytics, declara, First to File (CPA Global), Idaho Technology Council, Infragistics, Kount, ProPeople and Synoptek.