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Reliable Bulk Data Dissemination Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Sri Haritha Kuchipudi’s Thesis Defense

August 27, 2012
9:30am – 11:30am
MEC 301


Dr. Sirisha Medidi


  • Dr. Murali Medidi
  • Dr. Liljana Babinkostova


In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), one of the main end-user requirements is the ability to reprogram the network as change in environmental and application requirements, creates the need to update the code in already deployed sensors. Reprogramming of the network generates the need to reliably disseminate large objects to every node in the network. Data Dissemination must be done with minimal disruption to the network, thus making latency a critical issue. Current approaches of data dissemination to reprogram the nodes do not effectively minimize  the number of senders, number of packet transmissions, collisions and contention that could affect latency. To provide reliable data delivery while enhancing the object delivery latency, we propose a reliable bulk data dissemination protocol. This protocol employs a data dissemination procedure in which the code is delivered by a subset of nodes to reduce contention in the network. To further reduce the contention and latency in the network, pipe-lined scheduling for data transmission is implemented. Unlike previous approaches which make use of multiple channels the proposed approach uses a single channel. We implemented our protocol using the NS2 simulator for evaluating its performance. Results show that our protocol reduces latency significantly compared to existing approaches.