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Construction Career Fair

Register now for the 2024 Career Fair – Tables added

3 people standing next to a table at a career fair
2 people standing next to a table at a career fair
6 people posing in front of a mural at a career fair

people standing in a room at a career fair

Construction Industry Career Fair
at Boise State University

Mark your calendar for the annual Construction Industry Career Fair! This is a great way for companies to get a head start on hiring needs for full-time, part-time and summer internship positions. Approximately 300 students/grads attend the career fair each year.

September 12, 2024

Boise State Student Union Building, Jordan Ballroom.

  • Employers will have one 6′ table and 2 chairs (more chairs are available upon request).
  • Employers may interview students after the fair from 2-5pm on Thursday, Sept. 12, or Friday, Sept. 13 from 8am-5pm.
  • Costs: $1,000 early registration (before August 22nd), $1,200 late registration (August 23rd or after). Invoices will be sent in September. Online payment is accepted at the linked button.
  • Due to the limited schedule, this year’s Information Sessions will ONLY be limited to Boise State University CM Industry Advisory Council (IAC) members or companies that have donated towards the new ESI CM building for the CM program. If you meet one of these criteria and are interested in an info session before the career fair, please check the box and we will be in contact with you. We will reserve a room and promote the information session. If you are interested to learn more about our IAC or the new ESI CM Building please check out our website. Included on these websites our lists of participating employers.
  • Lunch will be provided at Buster’s Kitchen free of charge.

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, September 11

6-8pm Optional set-up in the Jordan Ballroom

Thursday, September 12, 2024

  • 7:30-8:30am Set-up Displays – Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00-2pm Booths Open – Jordan Ballroom (lunch – Buster’s Kitchen)
  • 2:00-5:00pm On-Campus Interviews (optional – no extra cost)
  • 5:00-7:00 pm Mix and Mingle Event

Friday, September 13

8:00-5:00pm On-Campus Interviews (optional – no extra cost)

Confirmation of booth registration will follow via email.

2-Step Registration Process

Follow 2 links below to register and pay;

Step 1 Regisgter on Handshake

Step 2 – Payment at University Marketplace

For more information:

Leandra Aburusa-Lete

Career Services

Micron Student Success Center

(208) 426-4432