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Technology Requirements

Laptop and Mobile Devices

Laptop Recommendation

CM students are not required to have a laptop as the CM Department provides a computer lab and classrooms with computers that are accessible 24/7. Although there is no requirement for personal computers the CM Department does recommend that if students elect to purchase personal laptops they purchase a PC-Based computer. Many of the most utilized construction software are PC-Based only software. The CM Department recommends that students Do Not Purchase MAC based computers. Although they can work on a MAC computer they have to be operated through a virtual machine software, which creates challenges.

Many of the construction software companies provide free licenses to students with a email. The Faculty will help point you to this software as you make your way through courses.

Tablet Requirement

The Construction Management Department incorporates Tablet learning devices as a component of instructional delivery in several courses. Several CMGT courses require the use of a tablet computer (an iPad is recommended but not required). Students will need to provide their own.