Contact Information
Bhaskar Chittoori, Ph.D., P.E.
Chair, Professor
About Bhaskar Chittoori
Dr. Bhaskar Chittoori received his bachelor’s degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India in 2002 and master’s degree from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India in 2004. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2008 from the University of Texas at Arlington. After his Ph.D. he worked at Parsons Brinckerhoff, a well renowned civil engineering design firm, in their Dallas office. Dr. Chittoori joined as Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering area of the Civil Engineering Department of Boise State University in the fall of 2013. His research interests are clay mineral quantification, sustainability assessment, advanced soil testing and interpretation, soil stabilization, soil reinforcement, pavement materials characterization along with finite element modeling of soil systems. He has published articles in ASCE Geotechnical Journal, ASTM Soil Testing Journal, Transportation Research Board Records, International Conferences on Soil Mechanic Related Topics, ASCE conferences. He is a member of ASCE sustainability committee, TRB Bridges and Foundation’s committee. He is a licensed civil engineer in the state of Texas and a member of Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi honor societies.
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 2008
- M.S., Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India, 2004
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India 2002.
Book Chapters
1. Puppala A.J., Chittoori B. and Saride, S. (2014). “Approach Slabs”, Chapter 17, In Bridge Engineering Handbook, Second Edition: Superstructure Design, Taylor and Francis, 647-675,
Journal Publications
- 2. Moghal, A. A. B., Chittoori, B. C. S. , and Basha, B. M. (Accepted) “Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on CBR Behavior of Lime Blended Expansive Soils: Reliability Approach”, Road Materials and Pavement Design.
- 3. Chittoori, B., Moghal, A. A. B., Pedarla, A. and Al-Mahbashi, A. M. (Accepted). “Effect of Unit Weight on Porosity and Consolidation Characteristics of Expansive Clays”, ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation.
- 4. Moghal, A. A. B., Chittoori, B. C. S. , Basha, M. B., and Al-Shamrani, M. A. (Accepted). “Target Reliability Approach to Study the Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on UCS Behavior of Lime Treated Semi-Arid Soil”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering.
- 5. Pedarla, A., Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. , Bheemasetti, T. (Accepted). “Long-term Durability Studies on Chemically Treated Reclaimed Asphalt (RAP) Material as a Base Layer for Pavements”, Journal of Transportation Research Board.
- 6. Bheemasetti, T., Chittoori, B. , Zou, H., Puppala, A., and Thomey, J. (2016). “Spatial Mapping of Soluble Sulfate Concentrations Present in Natural Soils Using Geostatistics.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001590, 04016090.
- 7. Pedarla, A., Puppala, A. J., Hoyos, L., and Chittoori, B. (2015) “Evaluation of Swell Behavior of Expansive Clays from Internal Specific Surface and Pore Size Distribution”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 142 (2).
- 8. Chittoori, B. , Khanal, M., Harelson, D. (2015) “Safety Evaluations for Skewed Intersections on Low Volume Roads – A Case Study”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2472, 236-242.
- 9. Puppala, A., Chittoori, B. , Raavi, A. (2015) “Flowability and Density Characteristics of Controlled Low-Strength Material Using Native High-Plasticity Clay” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(1), 06014026, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001127.
- 10. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A., Raavi, A. (2014) “Strength and Stiffness Characterization of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) Using Native High Plasticity Clay” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26 (6).
- 11. Puppala, A. J., Talluri, N., Chittoori, B. C. S. (2014) “Calcium-based stabilizer treatment of sulfate-bearing soils” Proceeding of Institution of Civil Engineers – Ground Improvement Journal, 167 (3).
- 12. Puppala, A., Manosuthikij, T., Chitttoori, B. , (2014) “Swell and Shrinkage Strain Prediction Models for Expansive Clays” Engineering Geology Journal, 168, 1-8.
- 13. Talluri, N., Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. , Gaily, A., and Harris, P. (2013) “Stabilization of High Sulfate Soils by Extended Mellowing”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2363 (1), 96-104.
- 14. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A. J., Weijrunsikul, T., and Hoyos, L. (2013). “Experimental Studies on Stabilized Clays at Various Leaching Cycles”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139 (10), 1665-1675.
- 15. Puppala, A., Manosuthikij, T., Chitttoori, B. , (2013) “Swell and Shrinkage Characterizations of Unsaturated Expansive Clays From Texas” Engineering Geology Journal, 164, 187-194.
- 16. Chittoori, B. and Puppala A.J. (2013). “Closure to Quantitative estimation of clay mineralogy in fine grained soils”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139 (4), 657-658. (Invited paper).
- 17. Puppala, A. J., Manosuthkij, T., Nazarian, S., Hoyos, L. R. and Chittoori, B. (2012) “In-situ matric suction and moisture content measurements in expansive clays during seasonal fluctuations”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35 (1), 74-82.
- 18. Puppala, A.J., Chittoori, B. and Saride, S. (2012) “Sulfate induced heaving of a taxiway: a case study”, Indian Geotechnical Journal, 42 (4), 257-266.
- 19. Puppala, A. J., and Chittoori, B. , (2012). “Transportation Infrastructure Settlement and Heave Distress: Challenges and Solutions”, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 13 (11), 850-857.
- 20. Chittoori, B. and Puppala A.J. (2011). “Quantitative estimation of clay mineralogy in fine grained soils”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 137 (11), 997-1008.
- 21. Pedarla, A., Chittoori, B. and Puppala, A. (2011). “Influence of mineralogy and plasticity index on the stabilization effectiveness of expansive clays”, Transportation Research Record, Journal of Transportation Research Board, No. 2212, pp. 91-99.
Geotechnical Special Publications
- 22. Baig Moghal, A., Sayeed Mohammed, S., Al-Shamrani, M., Zahid, W., and Chittoori, B. (2016) Evaluation of Diffusion Rate Constants from Soil Column Studies in Lime-Treated Semi Arid Soils—Pb2+ and Zn2+ Scenarios. Geo-Chicago 2016: pp. 135-144.
- 23. Chittoori, B. , Moghal, A. A. B., Pedarla, A., Al-Mahbashi, A. M., and Ravi, D. B. (2016). “Effect of Density on Pore Size and Pore Volume of Expansive Clays”, GeoChina-2016, 183-190.
- 24. Moghal, A. A. B., Basha, M., Chittoori, B. , and Al-Shamrani, M. A. (2016). “Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on the Hydraulic Conductivity Behavior of Lime Treated Expansive Soil – Reliability Based Optimization Perspective”, GeoChina-2016, pp. 25-34.
- 25. Acharya, R., Bheemasetti, T. V., Ruttanapormakul, P., Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A. J. (2014) “Numerical Modeling of a Highway Embankment Using Geofoam Material as Partial Fill Replacement”, Geocongress 2014, Atlanta, Feb 22-25, pp. 2986-2995.
- 26. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A. J., Pedarla, A., Vanga, D. P. R. (2014) “Durability Studies on Native Soil-Based Controlled Low Strength Materials”, Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics, pp. 249-257. Doi: 10.1061/9780784413401.025.
- 27. Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. C. S, Talluri, N., Le, M., Bheemasetti, T., Thomey, J. (2013) “Stabilizer Selection for Arresting Surficial Slope Failures: A Sustainability Perspective” Geocongress 2013, San Diego, March 3-6 2013, 1472-1481.
- 28. Le, M., Pedarla, A., Chittoori, B. C. S, Patil, U., Hoyos, L., Puppala, A. J., Perrin, L. (2013) “Slope stability assessment using field moisture data for North Texas clay soil” Geocongress 2013, San Diego, March 3-6 2013, 383-393.
- 29. Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. , Yenigalla, R., Archeewa, E. (2013) “Settlement Mitigation Using Light Weight Fill Embankment Systems” SOUND GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH TO PRACTICE, A Geotechnical Special Publication Honoring the Contributions of Robert D. Holtz, 582-592.
- 30. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A. J., Reddy, R., and Marshall, D. (2012), “Sustainable Reutilization of Excavated Trench Material”, GeoCongress 2012, Oakland, GSP 225, March 25-29 2012, pp. 4280-4289.
- 31. Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. , Shelly, H., and Marshall, D. (2012), “Chemical Amendment of Excavated Trench Material for Sustainable Reuse”, Proceedings Pipelines 2012: Innovations in design, construction, operations and maintenance, Miami, Florida, May, 2012, pp. 552-561.
- 32. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A. J., Wejringsikul, T, Hoyos, L. R., and Le, M. (2012), “Numerical Modeling of the Impact of Deteriorating Treated Subgrade Modulus due to Seasonal Changes on Pavement Performance”, GeoCongress 2012, Oakland, GSP 225, March 25-29 2012, pp. 1036-1045.
- 33. Talluri, N., Gaily, A., Puppala, A. J, and Chittoori, B. (2012), “A Comparative Study of Soluble Sulfate Measurement Techniques”, GeoCongress 2012, Oakland, GSP 225, March 25-29 2012, pp. 3372-3381.
- 34. Pedarla, A., Puppala, A. J, Chittoori, B. , Hoyos, L. R, Zapata, C. and Houston, S. (2012), “Influence of Mineral Montmornilonite on Soil Suction Modeling Parameters”, GeoCongress 2012, Oakland, GSP 225, March 25-29 2012, pp. 1126-1135.
- 35. Chrysochoou, M., Puppala, A., and Chittoori, B. (2012), “Characterization of Clays Using Quantitative XRD and Chemical Analyses”, GeoCongress 2012, Oakland, GSP 225, March 25-29 2012, pp. 1165-1174.
- 36. Chittoori, B. C. S. , Pedarla, A., Puppala, A.J., Hoyos, L.R. and Saride, S. (2011). “Leachate Studies on Lime and Portland Cement Treated Expansive Clays”. GeoFrontiers, 2011, Dallas, GSP 211, March 13-16, 2011, pp. 4479 – 4488.
- 37. Chittoori, B. C. S. , Puppala, A.J. (2011). “Reliability Based Approach to Quantify Mineral Montmorillonite in Expansive Clays” GeoRisk 2011, Atlanta, GSP No. 224, June 26-28, 2011, pp. 201-208.
- 38. Pedarla, A., Chittoori, S. , Puppala, A., and Hoyos, L., (2010), “Effects of Lime Dosage on Stabilization Effectiveness of Montmorillonite Dominant Clays”, GeoFlorida 2010, Florida, GSP 199, February 20-24, 2010.
- 39. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A., Nazarian, S., & McDaniel, M., (2008), “Subgrade Characterization for Better Ground Improvement Design” GeoCongress 2008, New Orleans, GSP 162, February, 2008, pp. 100-107.
Other Conference Publications
- 40. Puppala, A. J., Bheemasetti, T. V., and Chittoori, B. C. S. (2016). “Quality Assurance Studies for Ground Improvement Projects”, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2016, Geotechnology Towards Global Standards, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Dec 15 – 17, 2016, Keynote lecture.
- 41. Chittoori, B. , Mishra, D., Bruce, D., and Ingram, J. (2016). “Recurrent Pavement Damage from Underlying Expansive Soil Deposits: Idaho Experience”, Transportation Research Board, 2016 Annual Meeting, CD-ROM.
- 42. Puppala A. J., Chittoori, B. , Pedarla, A. (2014). “Approaches for better expansive soil characterization”, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2014, GEOIND, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Dec 19 – 21, 2014, Keynote lecture.
- 43. Puppala, A. J., Saride, S., Yenigalla, R. V., Chittoori, B. C. S. , Archeewa, E. (2014). “Long-term performance of expanded clay and shale as an embankment fill”, Proceedings of 92 Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 10-16, 2014. (Accepted for publication).
- 44. Hernández, J., Chittoori, B. C. S. , Le, M., Perrin, L., McCleskey, K., Puppala, A. J. (2013) “Economical and Reliable Solutions for Arresting Surficial Slope Failures in Earthen Dams”, United States Society on Dams 2013 Annual Meeting and Conference.
- 45. Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. (2013), “Chemical Stabilization of Problematic Soils: Stabilization Mix Design, Durability and Sustainability Studies”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Geotechnical Engineering, Tunisia 2013. (Keynote Lecture).
- 46. Puppala, A. J., Chittoori, B. , Thomey, J. (2013), “Geostatistical Contour Mapping of Soluble Sulfate Concentration in Soils along a Pipeline Alignment”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Geotechnical Engineering, Tunisia 2013.
- 47. Basu, D., Puppala A. J., Chittoori, B. (2013). “General Report of TC 307 Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 3155-3162.
- 48. Basu, D., Misra, A., Puppala A. J., Chittoori, C. S. (2013). “Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 3171-3174.
- 49. Puppala, A, Talluri, N., Gaily, A., Chittoori, B. C. S. (2013), “Heaving Mechanisms in High Sulfate Soils”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013, 3125-3128.
- 50. Puppala, A, Talluri, N., Gaily, A., Chittoori, B. C. S. (2013), “Heaving Mechanisms in High Sulfate Soils”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013.
- 51. Hernandez, J., Chittoori, B. C. S. , Le, M., Perrin, L., McCleskey, K., Puppala, A. J. (2013). “Economical and Reliable Solutions for Arresting Surficial Slope Failures in Earthen Dams”, USSD 2013 Annual Meeting and Conference, Feb 11-15.
- 52. Puppala, A. J. and Chittoori, B. (2012). “Chemical Stabilization of Subgrades for Better Support of Highway Infrastructure”, ISSMGE – TC 211 International Symposium on Ground Improvement IS-GI Brussels 31 May & 1 June 2012.
- 53. Puppala, A.J., Hernandez, J., Le, M., Dronamraju, V., Chittoori, B. , Perrin, L., McCleskey, K., “An Overview of Various Treatment Methods to Arrest Surficial Slope Failures.” ASDSO Dam Safety Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC, September, 2011.
- 54. Puppala, A.J., Chittoori, B.C.S. and Saride, S. “Case Studies on Sulfate Induced Heaving.“ International Symposium on Case Studies, Mumbai, December 14?15, 2010, India, KEYNOTE Presentation.
- 55. Chittoori, B. , Puppala, A, Saride, S., Nazarian, S., and Hoyos, L. (2009), “Durability studies of lime stabilized clayey soils”, ISSMGE conference in Egypt.
- 56. Puppala, A.J. and Chittoori, B.C.S. , “Long?term Durability Studies on Lime Stabilized Soils.” PLENARY LECTURE, Proceedings, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2008, Advances in Geotechnical Engineering -GEOAGE, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Dec 17 – 19, 2008, pp. 136-154.
- 57. Weaver, T. J., and Chittoori, B. (2007). “Influence of limited soil improvement on lateral pile stiffness,” Geotechnical Special Publication 172, GeoDenver 2007, ASCE.
- 58. Weaver, T. J., Chittoori, B. , (2006). “Increasing lateral pile stiffness through limited soil improvement,” 31st Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Deep Foundations Institute, October 4-6, Washington, D.C.
Ongoing Grants
- 1. National Cooperative Highway Research Program: IDEA, “Application of Microbial Facilitated Stabilization for Sustainable Improvement of Expansive Pavement Subgrades”, $138,000, Aug, 16 – Jul, 18: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori, Consultant: Malcolm Burbank.
- 2. National Science Foundation, IUSE Program, “Permeating Sustainability and Resiliency Concepts into Civil Engineering Curricula”, $297,435, Sep, 2016 – Aug, 2019: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori, Co-PIs: Debakanta Mishra, Robert Hamilton, Sondra Miller, Jairo Hernandez, Noah Salzman.
- 3. National Science Foundation, STEM+C, “Informal STEM Teaching and Learning Through Infusing Computational Thinking into Science Learning”, $1,090,312, Sep, 2016 – Aug, 2019: PI: Dazhi Yang Co-PIs: Youngkyun Baek, Yu-Hui Ching, Sasha Wang, Steven Swanson, Senior Personnel: Bhaskar Chittoori.
- 4. Seed Grant with in University via NSF funded WIDER-PERSIST Grant: “Developing Carousel and Concept Map activities to be used in Undergraduate Geotechnical Courses”, $44,354, June, 2016 to May, 2018: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori Co-PI: Arvin Farid.
Completed Grants
- 5. Idaho transportation Department, “Key 19112, US-95, Elephant Butte Swelling Clay: Phase 2: Numerical Modeling of Alternate Sections” $50,000, Jan, 2016 to Aug, 2016: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori, Co-PI: Debakanta Mishra.
- 6. Idaho transportation Department, “Key 19112, US-95, Elephant Butte Swelling Clay: Phase 1: Laboratory Characterization” $38,000, June, 2015 to Dec, 2015: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori, Co-PI: Debakanta Mishra.
- 7. TAMINCO, Inc. “Investigations to Evaluate Taminco-Amines for Possible Use in Expansive Soil Treatment” $30,000, Oct 2013 to Mar, 2014: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori.
- 8. The University of Texas at Arlington “Innovative QA/QC Protocols for Using CLSM Materials in IPL Project (PHASE 3).” $15,000, Feb, 2014 to May, 2015: PI: Bhaskar Chittoori.
Areas of Interest
- Enhanced soil behavior comprehension through mineralogical studies and clay mineral quantification
- Chemical soil stabilization for expansive soils and other problematic soils
- Numerical modeling of expansive soil behavior
- Engineering recycle and reuse of construction materials towards sustainable development
- Microbiological soil stabilization