Contact Information
Arvin Farid, Ph.D.
Professor, SEnS GPS Director
About Arvin Farid
Dr. Farid is a Professor at the Civil Engineering Department. He joined the faculty in Civil Engineering at Boise State as an Assistant Professor in spring 2008. He was first promoted to Associate Professor in 2013 and then to Professor in 2020. Before joining Boise State, he was an Associate Research Scientist at CenSSIS (The Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems), Northeastern University, Boston, MA. From 2001-2003 he was a Research Assistant at CenSSIS and Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept., Northeastern University, Boston, MA where he received his Ph.D.
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston in 2004
- B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Civil Engineering from Shiraz (formerly Pahlavi) University of Iran in 1993 and 1997, respectively
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Journal Articles
- Rashid, F., Mohamed, A.M.O., Paleologos, E., Li, B., Hadi Mosleh, M., Han, H., Farid, A., Baser, T., and Singh, D.N. (2025) “SWOT Analysis for Conventional and Legacy Oil & Gas Wells for Geothermal Energy Extraction,” Environmental Geotechnics Journal, In-press
- Iradukunda, P.*, Alam, K.M.*, and Farid, A. (2025) “Comprehensive numerical simulation of PFAS transport,” Indian Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, In-press
- Kelly-Shaw, N.*, Taheri-Sarteshnizi, Sahra*, and Farid, A. (2025) “Using food industry byproduct to stabilize expansive clay,” Journal of Waste, 3(1):1, DOI: 10.3390/waste3010001
- Farid, A., Alam, M.K.*, Goli, V.S.N.S.*, Akin, I.D., Akinleye, T., Chen, X., Cheng, Q., Cleall, P., Cuomo, S., Foresta, V., Ge. S., Iervolino, L., Iradukunda, P.*, Luce, C.H., Koda, E., Mickovski, S.B., O’Kelly, B.C., Paleologos, E.K., Peduto, D., Ricketts, E., Sadegh, M., Sarris, T.S., Singh, D.N., Singh, P., Tang, C.S., Tardio, G., Vaverková, M.D., Veneris, M.*, and Winkler, J. (2024) “A Review of Occurrence and Causes for Wildfires and their Impacts on the Geoenvironment,” Fire Journal, 3096380, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202407.0086.v1
- Veneris, M.* and Farid, A. (2024). “Finer Measurement Scales for Induced Hydrophobicity Using the Water Droplet Penetration Test,” Geotechnics Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, June, DOI:
- Alam, M.K.* and Farid, A. (2024). “Hydraulic conductivity tensor of anisotropic soils: impact on seepage flow,” Acta Architectura Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 1-11, eISSN: 2544-1760, DOI: 10.22630/ASPA.2024.23.1.
- Farid, A. (2024). “Grand Challenges of the 21st Century Warranting a Shift in Geoenvironmental Engineering, Current Trends in Eng Sci., Vol. 4, pp. 1053
- Farid, A., Gunderson, H.*, Acharya, R.*, and Browning, J. (2023). “Electromagnetic waves’ impact on hydraulic conductivity of granular soils,” Geotechnics Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 561-583, June, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202306.0687.v1.
- Patterson, J.*, Giacumo, L., Farid, A., and Sadegh, M. (2022) “A Systematic Multiple Studies Review of Low-Income, First-Generation, and Underrepresented, STEM-Degree Support Programs: Emerging Evidence-Based Models and Recommendations,” Education Science Journal,, DOI:
- Goli, V.S.N.S.*, Paleologos, E.K., Farid, A., Mohamed, A.O., Sengupta, A., Mohammad, A., O’Kelly, B., Li, D. Wang, J.J., Xiao, L., Vaverková, M.D., El Gamal, M.M., Jiang, N.J., Singh, P. Kayali, S.L., Han, X.L., Singh, Y., Shi, Y., and Singh, D.N. (2022) “Extraction and characterisation of microplastics from organic solid matrices and their remediation,” ICE Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, DOI:
- Alizadeh, M. R., Abatzoglou, J. T., Luce, C. H., Adamowski, J., Farid, A., and Mojtaba Sadegh (2021) “Warming Enabled Upslope Advance in Western U.S. Forest Fires,” PNAS, Proceedings of National Academy of Science, DOI:
- Farid, A., Najafi, A.*, Browning, J., Barney Smith, E. (2021) “Effects of Air Injection Pressure on Airflow Pattern of Air Sparging,” Environmental Geotechnics, August, DOI: Volume 8, Issue 7, pp. 495–505
- Paleologos, E. K., Kelly, b. C. O., Tang, C. S., Cornell, K., Rodríguez-Chueca, J., Abuel-Naga, H., Koda, E., Farid, A., Vaverková, M. D., Kostarelos, K., Sai Goli, V. S., N., Guerra-Rodríguez, S., Leong, E. C., Jayanthi, P., Shashank, B. S., Sharma, S., Shreedhar, S., Mohammad, A., Jha, B., Kuntikana, G., Win Bo, M., Mohamed, A. M. O., Singh, D. N. (2021) “Post COVID-19 Water and Wastewater Management to Protect Public Health and Geoenvironment,” ICE Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 193-207, May, DOI: 10.1680/jenge.20.00067
- Sadegh, M., AghaKouchak, A., Mallakpour, I., Huning, L., Davis, S., Mazdiyasni, O., Farid, A., and Martinez, A. (2020) “Data and Analysis Toolbox for Modeling the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water,” Elsevier Journal of Sustainable Cities and Societies, Vol. 61, October, DOI:
- Farid, A. (2020) “Environmental Geotechnics for Sustainability,” ICE Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, July, Vol. 7, No. 3, editorial, pp. 160-162, DOI:
- Tang, C. S., Paleologos, E. K., Vitone, C., Du, Y. J., Li, J. S., Jiang, N. J., Deng, Y. F., Chu, J., Shen, Z. Koda, E., Dominijanni, A., Fei, X., Vaverková, M. D., Osiński, P., Chen, ., Asadi, A., Takeuchi, M. R. H., Bo, M. W., Abuel-Naga, H., Leong, E. C., Farid, A., Jha, B., Singh, D. N., Baser, T. (2020) “Environmental Geotechnics: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post COVID-19 World,” ICE Journal of Environmental Geotechnics, May, DOI: 10.1680/jenge.20.00054
- Bender, J.* and Farid, A. (2019) “Predicting Power Transformer Bushing Seismic Vulnerability: Mounting Stiffness and Coupling,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 33, No. 3, June, DOI:
- Farid, A., Najafi, A.*, Browning, J., Barney Smith, E. (2019) “Effects of Air Injection Pressure on Airflow Pattern of Air Sparging,” Environmental Geotechnics, August, DOI:
- Farid, A., Najafi, A.*, Browning, J., & Barney Smith, E. (2019). Electromagnetic Waves’ Effect on Airflow during Air Sparging, Elsevier Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 220, pp. 49-58, DOI:
- Bender, J.*, Farid, A. (2018) “Seismic Vulnerability of Power Transformer Bushings Complex Structural Dynamics and Seismic Amplification, Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures, Volume 162, No. 1, pp. 1-10, May, DOI:
- Bender, J.*, Farid, A., Cornell, K. A., Browning, J. J., & Barney Smith, E. H. (2017). Chapter 32 – Electromagnetic Enhancement of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation. Springer.
- Nadelson, L. S. McGuire, S., Davis, K., Farid, A., Hardy, K., Hsu, Y., Kaiser, U., Nagarajan, R. & Wang, S. (2016) Am I a STEM professional? The development and results of a measure of student professional identity development. Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 701-720, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1070819
- Azad, S.*, Farid, A., and Browning, J. (2015) “Consequence of EM stimulation on Hydraulic Conductivity of a Bentonite Clayey Sample,” Environmental Geotechnics Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 211-223, August, DOI:
- Farid, A., Azad, M.*, Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2014) “Electromagnetically Induced Transport in Water for Soil/Groundwater Remediation,” ASCE Journal of Geoenvironmental & Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 3, pp. 04014115-1 – 0404115-10, March, DOI:, Runner-up ASCE Middlebrooks Award
- Azad, M.*, Sangrey, H.*, Farid, A., Browning, J., and Barney-Smith E. (2013) “Electromagnetic Stimulation of Two-Phase Transport in Water-Saturated Media for Geoenvironmental Applications,” ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 97-106, January.
- Farid, A., Martinez, J. A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2012) “Tunnel Detection Using Cross-Well Radar,” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 12, pp. 1537-1541, December.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2009), “Cross-Well Radar I: Experimentation Simulation of Cross-Tomography and Validation,” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 9, pp. 1209-1218
- Farid, A., Zhan, H.*, Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2009), “Cross-Well radar II: Comparison and Experimental Validation of Modeling Channel Transfer Function (CTF),” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 9, pp. 1219-1227
- Zhan, H.*, Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., Raemer, H., and Rappaport, C. M. (2007), “Scale Model Validation and Calibration of the Half-Space Green’s Function Born Approximation Model Applied to Cross-Well Radar Sensing,” IEEE, Transaction of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 2423-2428, August.
- Farid, A. and Habibagahi, G. (2007), “Coupled Seepage-Dissolution Finite Element Analysis through Formations Containing Soluble Materials,” ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 133, No. 6, June 2007, pp. 713-722, June.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2006), “Calibration and Validation of a Laboratory Experimental Setup for CWR in Sand,” ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp. 158-167
- Farid, A., Reddy, K., and Yesiller, N. (2025). “Innovative Developments toward Sustainability,” Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 358, Proceedings of Geo-Environ-Meet ASCE, Reston, VA.
- Farid, A., Foye, K., and Khire, M.V. (2025). “Geoenvironmental Contamination and Waste Containment,” Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 358, Proceedings of Geo-Environ-Meet ASCE, Reston, VA.
- Farid, A., Khire, M.V. and Akin, I.D. (2025). “Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resilience” Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 358, Proceedings of Geo-Environ-Meet ASCE, Reston, VA.
- Farid, A. (2016). Geohazards Caused by Human Activity. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, Copyright 2016, London, UK.
- Farid, A. (Co-Editor). (2018). Special Publication, Geohazards, Environmental Geotechnics, and Biotreated Geomaterials and Foundations. CCES, Chinese Civil Engineering Society & CICE, China Institution of Civil Engineers, Shanghai, China.
Book Chapters
- Alam, K.M. and Farid, A. (2024). “Influence of Adsorption at Air–Water Interfaces on PFAS Transport,” In: Agnihotri, A.K., Reddy, K.R., Bansal, A. (eds) Geoenvironmental Engineering. EGRWSE 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 508. Springer, Singapore.
- Farid, A., Alam, M.K.*, (2024) “2D Finite-difference simulation of transport of PFAS contamination,” Springer. Springer Nature, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 508, DOI:
- Farid A. (2024) “Manual of Practice in Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Contaminant Characterization, Containment Facilities, Solid Waste Materials, and Contaminated Ground Interventions, Chapter 14: Electrokinetic Remediation,” Editor: Dimitrios Zekkos, ASCE, MOP 159.
- Farid, A. and Iradukunda, P.* (2023) Climate Change Adaptation: Multiphysics Numerical Modeling of Transient Transport of PFAS, Hazarika et al. (Eds): 606528_1_En, Springer, Singapore, eBook ISBN 978-981-99-9215-7, Print ISBN 978-981-99-9214-0
- Farid, A., Zimmerman, D.P.* (2023). “Sustainable Earth and Beyond: Variations in the Capacity of Driven Energy Piles in Clay. In: Yukselen-Aksoy, Y., Reddy, K.R., Agnihotri, A.K. (eds). EGRWSE 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 370. Springer, Singapore.
- Farid, A. (2023). ASCE Manual of Geoenvironmental Engineering Practice: Electrokinetics. Vol. 1, ASCE Geo-Institute, In-Press.
- Farid, A., Bender, J.*, Zimmerman, D.*, Habibagahi, G. (2020) “Existing codes, shortcomings, and emerging problems,” The 2nd Russia – U.S. Geotechnical Symposium, pp. 430-445, Moscow & St. Petersburg.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2011) “Electromagnetic Waves: Propagation in Complex Matter,” Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, Chapter 5, pp. 117-154. Edited by Ahmed A. Kishk.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Veneris, M.* and Farid, A. (2025). “Hydrophobicity Inducement on Laboratory Soil Specimens to Study Wildfire Impacts on Infiltration, Revegetation, and Erosion,” Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Environ-Meet 2025, March.
- Alam, M.K.* and Farid, A. (2025) “Coupled PFAS Transport and Seepage Models to Evaluate Retardation due to Air–Water-Interface Adsorption,” Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Environ-Meet 2025, March.
- Farid, A., Wenner, J.A., McLaughlin, B., and Sadegh, S. (2024). “Impact of Socialization on Engineering Graduate Education,” Proceedings of ASEE Conference, Portland, OR, July.
- Matos-Ortiz, A., Alam, M.K.*, Janga, J.K., Reddy, K.R., and Farid, A. (2024) “Remediation Strategies for Mitigating Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Consequences of Wildfires,” EGRSWE 2024 Conference, Springer, Warsaw, Poland, July.
- Shaw, N.L.K. and Farid, A. (2024) “Potential of Utilizing Food Processing Waste for Ground Improvement,” EGRSWE 2024 Conference, Springer, Warsaw, Poland, July.
- Gunderson, H.* and Farid, A. (2024) “Hydraulic Conductivity’s Impact on Rising Excess Pore-water Pressure during Seismic Shaking,” Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, February.
- Alam, M.K.* and Farid, A. (2023) 2D Finite-difference Simulation of Transport of Post-fire PFAS Contamination, ISSMGE, The 9th ICEG, Chania, Crete, Greece, June
- Alam, M.K.* and Farid, A. (2023) Impact of Nondiagonal Elements of Hydraulic Conductivity Tensor on Seepage through Anisotropic Soils, ISSMGE, The 9th ICEG, Chania, Crete, Greece, June
- Kelly, N. and Farid, A. (2023) “Soil-Stabilizing Potential of using Food Industry Byproducts,” Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress 2023, March.
- Iradukunda, P.* and Farid, A. (2022) “Multiphysics Numerical Modeling of Transient Transport of PFAS,” Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress 2022, Charlotte, NC, March.
- McLaughlin, B. and Wenner, J.A. (2022). “Recruitment Strategy Development for First Generation, Underrepresented, and Low-Income Masters Students,” Proceedings of ASEE Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Kaser-bayas, L.*, Giacumo, L.A., Early, C.*, Rishel-Peterson, K.*, and Farid, A. (2021) “Lifting an LI, FG, and/or UR Support Program of the Ground during COVID-19: Successes and Lessons Learned,” ASEE Annual Conference, July.
- Ghahremani, Z.*, Iradukunda, P.*, and Farid, A. (2021) “Post wildfire soil and groundwater contamination, A Review,” CPEG 2021, Kyoto, Japan, October.
- Farid, A., Sadegh, M., Hart, M., (2019) “Understanding Components to Establish Framework for Convergent Approach to Wildfire Mitigation,” The 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Tuscan, AZ, October
- Farid, A., Zimmerman, D.* (2019) “Coupled Numerical Analysis of Variations in the Capacity of Driven Energy Piles in Clay,” Proceedings of ASCE, GeoCongress 2019, Philadelphia, FL
- Acharya, R.* and Farid, A. (2017) “Study of Electromagnetic-Induced Liquefaction Mitigation and Alteration of the Hydraulic Conductivity of Coarse-Grained Soils,” Proceedings of ASCE, GeoFrontiers 2017, Orlando, FL
- Bender, J.*, Farid, A., Cornell, K., Browning, J., and Barney Smith, E. (2016) “Electromagnetic enhancement of microbially induced Calcite precipitation,” Indo-US Bilatteral Workshop, ASCE, GeoChicago 2016, Chicago IL, August
- Nazari, A.*, Farid, A., and Cornel, K. (2016) “Impedance-Based Water-Quality Monitoring Using Parallel Plate Method,” Proceedings of ASCE GeoChicago 2016, August.
- Nominated for Award: Najafi, A., Bolvardi, V., Farid, A., Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2014) “Laboratory Study of Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on Airflow during Air Sparging.” Proceedings of ASCE, GeoCongress 2014, February,
- Najafi, A.*, Azad, S.*, Farid, A., Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2014) “Study of Mechanisms Governing Electromagnetic Alteration of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils,” Proceedings of ASCE, GeoCongress 2014, February
- Farid, A., Najafi, A.*, Azad, M.*, Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2014) “Electromagnetically Induced Transport in Water for Geoenvironmental Applications,” Proceedings of ASCE, GeoCongress 2014, February
- Nadelson, L. S., McGuire, S., Davis, K., Farid, A., Hsu, Y-C., Kaiser, U., McAdams, K. K. Moore, C., Nagarajan, R., & Wang, S. (2014) “What good is it for me? The development and validation of the individual science usefulness survey – the ISUS,” Proceedings of American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Farid, A., Azad, M.*, Browning, J., and Barney Smith, E. (2013) “Electromagnetic Stimulation of Transport in Water for Geoenvironmental Applications,” Proceedings of IEEE, PIERS 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1843-1848, August.
- Farid, A., Azad, S.*, Browning, J., and Barney Smith, E. (2013) “Consequences of Electromagnetic Stimulation on Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils,” Proceedings of IEEE, PIERS 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 1510-1514, August.
- Azad, M.*, Farid, A., Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2012) “Remote and Directive Electromagnetic Stimulation of Transport Mechanisms to Enhance Soil Remediation,” NSF-CMMI Conference, Boston, MA. July, Poster Presentation.
- Azad, M.*, Farid, A., Browning, J., and Barney-Smith, E. (2012) “Remote and Directive Electromagnetic Stimulation of Transport Mechanisms to Enhance Soil Remediation,” NSF-CBET Conference, Baltimore, MD, June Poster Presentation.
- Azad, M.*, Farid, A., Browning, J., Barney Smith, E. (2012) “Interaction Between Electromagnetic Waves and Transport in Saturated Media,” Proceedings, ASCE GeoCongress 2012, March, Oakland, CA.
- Rocha, J.*, Farid, A., and Browning, J. (2011) “Effects of Electromagnetic Stimulation on Soils’ Hydraulic Conductivity,” Proceedings of the 9th JGS Symposium on Environmental Geotechnics, Kyoto Japan, October.
- Rocha, J.*, Farid, A., and Browning, J. (2011) “Effects of Electromagnetic Stimulation on Soils’ Hydraulic Conductivity,” 2011 Pan-AM CGS Geotechnical Conference, Toronto, ON. Canada, October.
- Farid A., Sangrey, H.*, and Browning, J. (2011) “Electromagnetic Stimulation of Water for Geoenvironmental Applications,” ASCE, Proceedings of GeoFrontiers 2011, Dallas, TX, February.
- Farid A., Sangrey, H.*, and Browning, J. (2010) “Electromagnetic Stimulation of Air Sparging for Geoenvironmental Applications,” ISMGE, Proceedings of 6th ICEG, India, New Delhi, November.
- Farid A., Sangrey, H.*, and Browning, J. (2010) “An Experimental Setup for Electromagnetic Stimulation of Air Sparging,” ASCE, Proceedings of GeoFlorida 2010, West Palm Beach, FL. March.
- Farid A. (2010) “Effect of Antennae Polarization Relative to Tunnel Orientation on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering due to Underground Tunnels,” IEEE, PIERS 2010, Cambridge MA. July.
- Farid, A., and Raza, T.* (2009) “Effect of Antennae Polarization Relative to Tunnel Orientation on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering due to Underground Tunnels,” Proceedings of COMSOL 2009, Boston, MA, October.
- Cui, K.*, Vaisman, E.*, Farid, A., Martinez, J. A., and Rappaport C. M. (2008) “Detecting Tunnels and Monitoring Activities within Them Using Cross-Well Radar,” IEEE, Proceedings of PIERS 2008, Cambridge, MA.
- Farid, A., Martinez, J. A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., Rappaport, C. M. (2008) “Tunnel Detection Using CWR,” ASCE, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2008, Characterization, Monitoring, and Modeling of GeoSystems, Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring of Geoenvironment, pp. 284-291, New Orleans, LA, March.
- Farid, A., Kurson, C.*, Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport C. M. (2007) “Minimally Invasive Microwave Measurement and Modeling of Dielectric and Physical Properties of Sandy Soils,” EEGS, Proceedings of SAGEEP 2007, Denver, CO, April.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport C. M. (2007) “Detecting Soil Disturbance Using Cross-Well Radar,” EEGS, Proceedings of SAGEEP 2007, Denver, CO, April.
- Gamache, R., Rappaport C. M., and Farid, A. (2006) “A Comparison of FDFD and FEM Methods Applied to the Buried Mine Problem,” Proceedings of CM2006, Boston, MA. October.
- Zhan, H.*, Rappaport, C. M., Farid, A., and Miller, E. (2006), “A Lossy Half-Space Greens Function Forward Model for Inversion of Geophysics Problems,” IEEE, Proceedings of PIERS 2006, Cambridge, MA.
- Farid, A., Habibagahi, G. (2006), “Coupled Seepage-Dissolution Finite Element Analysis through Formations Containing Soluble Materials,” Proceedings of SECTAM XXIII, Southern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UPRM, Puerto Rico.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2005), “Travel Time Tomography Using Frequency Responses Collected by CWR,” EEGS, Proceedings of SAGEEP 2005, EEG, Electronic Proceedings, 12 pp., April.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., Zhan, H.*, and Rappaport, C. M. (2005), “Challenges and Validation of Cross Tomography Experimentation for Inverse Scattering Problems in Soil,” ASCE, Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers, Austin, TX, Electronic Proceedings, January.
- Zhan, H.*, Farid, A., Rappaport, C. M., and Alshawabkeh, A. N. (2005), “Born Approximation Forward Modeling of Inverse Scattering Through Soil,” ASCE, Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers, Austin, Texas, Electronic Proceedings, January.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2003), “Modeling Borehole Dipole Antenna Patterns for Cross-Well Radar DNAPL Imaging,” ASCE, Proceedings of Soil-Rock Conference, MIT, Boston, MA, pp. 261-267.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2003), “Experimental DNAPL Detection Using Cross-Well Radar,” EEGS, Proceedings of SAGEEP 2003, EEG, San Antonio, TX, Electronic Proceedings.
- Farid, A., Alshawabkeh, A. N., and Rappaport, C. M. (2002), “DNAPL Detection Using Cross-Well Radar,” Proceedings of 4th ICEG, Environmental Geotechnics, pp. 465-470.
Funded Projects
- 2019-2024 SEnS-GPS: Stellar Engineering Students – Graduate Program Scholarship, National Science Foundation (NSF), $999,867, PI
- 2019-2021, Virtual Networked Research Center for Development of Sustainable Materials for Soil Remediation, Funded by IUSSTF office, USA lead PI, $90,000 2018-Date ERC Planning: FIRE: Fire Impacts, Remediation, Education, $99,806 funded by NSF (National Science Foundation), ERC (cofounded by several programs) (ERC 1840654), PI
- 2014-2016 I-Corps: Electromagnetically-induced groundwater remediation, $50,000 funded by NSF (National Science Foundation), I-Corps (Innovation Corps) Program (I-Corps 1450654), PI
- 2012-2014 Characterization of fluids for medical and water-quality testing (detection and quantification), collaboration with industry (PsiFlow Inc.) for sensor development, Co-PI
- 2009-2013 IDR: Remote and Directive Electromagnetic Stimulation of Transport Mechanisms to Enhance Soil Remediation: $371,783 funded by NSF (National Science Foundation, IDR (Engineering Interdisciplinary Research: ELECT, PHOTONICS, & DEVICE TEC) Program (CBET-0928703), PI
- 2011-2014 NEESR: Induced Partial Saturation (LPS) Through Transport and Reactivity for Liquefaction Mitigation, $1,197,461 funded by NSF, NEESR (National Earthquake Engineering Research) Program (NEESR 1134940), Lead University is NEU, Co-PI through a subcontract to BSU
- 2011-2013 Phase II: Evaluation of Concrete Sealer Products to Extend the Life of Concrete Pavements Used by ITD: $100,000 ITD (Idaho Transportation Department), Co-PI
- 2010-2012 Measurement of Dust Motion under Electrical and Mechanical Perturbation: $50,000 funded by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ISGC (Idaho Space Grant Consortium), Co-PI
- 2008-2010 Phase I: Evaluation of Concrete Sealer Products to Extend the Life of Concrete Pavements Used by ITD: $94,000 ITD (Idaho Transportation Department), Co-PI
Research Focus Areas
- Electromagnetic Stimulation of Geomechanisms
- Effect of EM Waves and Soil Properties
- Energy Piles in Clayey Soils
- Sensor Fusion for Rapid Soil Characterization, using an innovative dynamic penetrometer along with density and moisture content sensors, and technologies such as electrical impedance spectroscopy (Sponsored by US Army Corps of Engineering)
- Contaminant (e.g. DNAPL) detection using radar (Sponsored through Gordon CenSSIS, an ERC for subsurface sensing and imaging systems, sponsored by NSF) Tunnel Detection (Potential sponsors: DOD and Department of Homeland Security)
- Real-time monitoring of contaminant fate and transport
- Contaminant Transport Modeling
- Quantifying air sparging application for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental applications such as Liquefaction mitigation, etc. (Sponsored by NSF through a liquefaction mitigation research)
- Liquefaction Mitigation
Graduate Opportunities
- The Department of Civil Engineering at the Boise State University (BSU) invites applicants for one M.Sc. level graduate research assistant position in the general area of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Research Assistantship includes an annual stipend, health insurance, and tuition and fees. Boise State University is a member of the state system of higher education and is the largest university in Idaho, with an enrollment of more than 18,000 students. In 2007, BSU College of Engineering ranked 14th on U.S. News & World Report’s list of best Masters engineering colleges among public universities. programs. The University is located in Idaho’s capital city and largest metropolitan area, which serves as the government, business, and economic, healthcare, and cultural center of the state. The Boise area is home to an expanding array of high technology companies, regional medical centers.