Bruker AXS D8 Discover X-Ray Diffractometer
- For high-resolution determination of crystallographic structure, phase composition, and texture at ambient and high temperatures, this instrument includes:
- Nickel filter
- Göbel Mirror and Germanium primary monochromator
- Non-ambient temperature stages (-180°C to 1600°C)
- NaI(Tl) scintillation detector
- Hi-Star area detector
Rigaku Miniflex 600 bench-top X-ray diffractometer
600W generator
- One dimensional D/teX Ultra high-speed detector (very quick scans)
- Scintillating point detector with graphite monochromator (best for resolution)
- Multiple-sample loading capability
- Zero-loss holders
Bruker Tracer III SD hand-held XRF
- Peltier-cooled 10 mm2 SDD
- Typical resolution: 145 eV at 100,000 cps
- Vacuum pump attachment for enhanced light-element sensitivity
- Gas-flow chamber for the measurement of gases down to Ne