JEOL JEM-2100 HR Analytical Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
CCD camera (Orius SC1000, Gatan)
- Point resolution 0.23 nm
- Line resolution 0.14 nm
- STEM resolution 1.0 nm
- EDS chemical analysis (Noran System 7, Thermo Scientific)
- EELS chemical analysis, (Model 776 Enfina 1000, Gatan)
- In-column annular dark field detector
- Tomography unit for reconstruction of 3D images
- In situ heating up to 1273 K (Gatan 652 double-tilt heating holder)
- In situ cooling down to 77 K (Gatan 914 Cryo holder)
- Magnetic imaging resolution 2.2 nm
- Precession electron diffraction (DigiStar)
- Automatic crystal orientation and phase mapping (ASTAR)
- 3D diffraction tomography (ADT3D)
CAMECA SXFive Electron Microprobe (EPMA)
CeB6 source
- Up to 30kV accelerating voltage
- Up to 1uA beam current
- Beam current stability within 0.2% per hour (20kV, 10nA)
- Beam diameter of 100nm (20kV, 10nA)
- Analytical resolution of 0.5um (10kV, 100nA)
- Trace element detection limits <0.01wt%
- 5 vertical WDS spectrometers
- Large-area, high-sensitivity diffracting crystals (LPET, LTAP. LLIF, LPC0)
- Analyze elements B-U
- Integrated zoom optical microscope with reflected, transmitted and polarized light
- Stage reproducibility within 1um
- Backscatter electron detector (<0.1Z resolution)
- Secondary electron detector
- Stage and beam mapping
- Line profiles
- Quantitative and qualitative point and area analyses
- Thermo Scientific UltraDry 10mm2 energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer
View current instrument status.
FEI Teneo Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)
Hitachi S-3400N-II Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Resolution 3 nm (SEI) and 4 nm (BSI)
- Variable Pressure
- Oxford Instruments Energy+ (EDS), resolution ≤ 136 eV at MnKa FWHM
- Oxford Instruments INCAWave (WDS), resolution ≤ 10 eV
- Oxford Instruments AZtecHKL (EBSD)
- Samples up to 20 cm in diameter by 11 cm high
Leica DM6000 M Materials Microscope
- Fully motorized stage, objective and turrets
- Bright field, dark field and DIC modes
- 5 mega pixel digital image acquisition
- LAS Montage MultiFocus module – Auto Z-stack image capture
- LAS Power Mosaic module – Seamless mosaic image creation
- Leica Map module – Surface geometry and texture analysis