About the Facilities & Resources

Our labs are located in the newly constructed Micron Center for Materials Research in Boise, Idaho and in the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) in Idaho Falls, ID and are accessible to the broader community through user access requests, analytical service requests, and collaboration. The resources of the ANML are complemented by shared core facilities within the Micron School of Materials Science and Engineering, the Boise State College of Engineering, and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies. User facilities include the Boise State Center for Materials Characterization, the Biomolecular Research Center, the CAES Microscopy and Characterization Suite, the CAES Advanced Manufacturing Suite, and the Idaho Microfabrication Laboratory. These facilities are supported by full-time professional research staff with expertise in electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, optical spectroscopy, x-ray characterization, confocal Raman spectroscopy, additive manufacturing, and micro/nanofabrication techniques.
The institution invests heavily in the success of ANML by providing training opportunities for teaching and research through the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Center for Advancing Research and Creative Activity. Management and leadership training is provided through Human Resource Services and Professional and Continuing Education (PACE). Training in human subjects research protections, animal care and use, biosafety, Â and the responsible conduct of research are provided through the CITI program. Environmental Health, Safety and Sustainability training ensures the safety of the campus, its grounds and people, general laboratory safety, while also striving towards the best sustainability practices.
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory (CAES)
The Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory features an array of equipment to support materials development, printed sensors and structural additive manufacturing for CAES.
Bioprinting & Tissue Engineering
The Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering and Bioprinting laboratory includes a suite of bioprinters for additive manufacturing of tissue-scaffold constructs, microfluidics, smart cell culture devices, a supporting suite of instruments for BSL 2 level cell culture and characterization.
Nanomaterial Ink Synthesis & Characterization
Recent infrastructure awards from the Department of Energy and State of Idaho have allowed Dr. Estrada to purchase a suite of instruments for nanomaterials ink/fluid development. This suite of instruments includes tools for creating nanoparticles and 2D nanoflakes using top-down physical methods, which complement the bottom-up wet chemical nanoparticle synthesis capabilities of the ANML.
Surface & Interface Science
Surface and interface science stands as a fascinating realm of scientific exploration, delving into the intricate interactions that occur at the boundaries of materials, chemistry, and physics. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy serve as indispensable tools, enabling researchers to unravel the intricacies of molecular structures and surface dynamics with unprecedented precision.
Thin Films Synthesis & Deposition
The Thin Films Laboratory is home to the nation’s only AIXTRON 2-dimensional close coupled showerhead metal organic vapor phase epitaxy system located at a university. It has 12 MOG sources and 6 process gases.
Transport Characterization
Transport characterization is a cornerstone in understanding the dynamic behavior of materials concerning electronic and thermal transport properties. At the forefront of such investigations, the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory (ANML) at Boise State University employs an integrated suite of equipment for understanding electrical and thermal transport in materials and semiconductor devices.
Access these facilities
Interested users and collaborators may contact Prof. David Estrada to learn about accessing equipment and/or requesting samples.