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Adjunct Graduate Faculty

Adjunct graduate faculty are non-tenure-track faculty with a terminal degree for their discipline and who are otherwise qualified to assume all the privileges and duties of a Graduate Faculty member. Adjunct Graduate Faculty may chair committees if they have a departmental endorsement.

The ANML is proud to have nominated the following personnel for Adjunct Graduate Faculty status at Boise State University, and sincerely thanks them for their service to our students.

Adjunct Graduate Faculty

  • Emily Heckman

    Emily Heckman

    Senior Electronics Research Engineer

    Air Force Research Laboratory
  • Josh Wood

    Josh Wood

    Sales Engineer

  • Jessica Koehne

    Jessica Koehne

    Research Scientist

    NASA Ames Center for Nanotechnology
  • Ashkan Behnam

    Ashkan Behnam

    Device Engineer

    Intel Corporation
  • Troy Unruh

    Troy Unruh

    Department Manager

    Idaho National Laboratory