Five AML students presented at this year’s Undergraduate Research Showcase. Each spring, Boise State University hosts the showcase to highlight all of the incredible research done by undergraduate researchers on campus. AML students presented the following research:
- Kyle Holloway presented research on the properties of 3D printed stainless steel parts. He investigated how changing the print parameters during the laser powder bed fusion process can result in very different hardness, porosity, and microstructure.
- Brandon King presented his work on the fracture strength of miniature ceramic pellets. He developed and validated the fracture testing process, laying the ground work for studying advanced technology nuclear fuels.
- Jackie Stone presented work on the 3D extrusion printing of zirconium carbide. This work is part of NASA’s mission to reach Mars via nuclear thermal propulsion (NTPs).
- Noah Montrose presented the study of laser powder bed fusion Inconel 718. Inconel is a high strength metal alloy with applications for advanced nuclear technologies. Noah studied how varying the printing parameters affects the porosity and hardness of the final material.
- Sarah Cole presented her work on the fabrication of uranium nitride nuclear fuel. This project is part of an international partnership to study fabrication techniques and properties of advanced nuclear fuels.
Kyle Holloway was also nominated to give a “Lightning Talk” about his research. This highly-anticipated event was attended by over 200 people.
A huge thanks to our AML undergrads and all of the incredible research they do!