Sandeep Dhakal, a Ph.D. student in the AML, presented his research on additively manufactured (AM) stainless steel 316L at MS&T22 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 17th, 2022. The presentation highlighted the microstructure and residual stress present in SS-316L manufactured via laser-wire direct energy deposition (LW-DED) AM process and its significance in the micro (SSJ3) mechanical behavior of the manufactured components. Since the wire-based DED process is less understood than its powder counterparts, understanding the distribution of residual stress with varying process conditions and its effect on mechanical properties would provide insight into its structural performance for industrial usage. To do so, spatially resolved residual stress was measured across varying build geometries and interlayer temperatures, using neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction. These values were then correlated to the microstructure and mechanical behavior of the printed components to analyze their usability in manufacturing large-scale industrial components. Apart from his talk, Sandeep also attended the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology show that was a part of MS&T as well as attended other talks on various different AM technologies ranging from Fe and Ni-based alloys to research and standards development needs for industrialization of AM processes.