Cade Greseth joined the AML during his junior year of undergrad. He had bit of experience with equipment and research techniques from his materials science lab courses. He quickly realized he would be learning a myriad of new concepts that aren’t taught in the curriculum. Within a few months, he was consistently using characterization equipment such as XRD, SEM, and Raman microscopes, as well as handling advanced materials that he helped synthesize. Beyond the practical experience in the lab, he was also taught principles of research presentations, technical writing for journal publications, and designing experiments. He worked with graduate student mentors that helped him become a better scientific thinker and researcher. In addition to research skills, Cade has greatly developed his presentation skills and ability to connect to principles taught in the curriculum.
After graduation, Cade is headed to the University of Washington to pursue a masters degree in material science.
Congratulations Cade!