research on transverse rupture strength testing of advanced ceramics to support the next generation of nuclear energy.
Addie Lupercio, a graduate student, and undergraduate students Cayden Doyle and Riley Winters, of the Advanced Materials Laboratory recently published their paper in the International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science entitled “Ball-on-ring test validation for equibiaxial flexural strength testing of engineered ceramics”. In this study, an equibiaxial flexural strength test fixture was validated using finite element analysis (FEA) and fracture tests of ceramic benchmark samples to obtain their transverse rupture strength (TRS). The equibiaxial flexural strength test method allows for simple pellet geometry samples that, compared to bend bar techniques, produce less waste and extraneous flaws induced during the machining required for bend bar samples. Test samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy to obtain microstructure and analyze fracture surfaces to draw relationships between microstructure and TRS. This research was performed in collaboration with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory through the Advanced Fuels Campaign and was partially funded by a fellowship through the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP). This work will be instrumental in the rapid fabrication and mechanical testing of advanced ceramic nuclear fuels to support the next generation of nuclear energy.
You can read the full publication on the American Ceramic Society website.