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Thompson Family Writing Lab

Free writing help for business students

Working through the Thompson Family Writing Lab in the Micron Business and Economics Building (MBEB), the Boise State Writing Center provides free, individualized writing support for COBE students. Professionally-trained writing consultants will work with you at any stage of the writing process to help you write in a clear, concise and compelling manner.

In-person drop-in hours

Thompson Family Writing Lab
Conveniently located in MBEB Room 1101
Drop-in hours: Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Main Boise State Writing Center
In the Liberal Arts Building, Room 200
Drop-in hours: Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m – 5 pm.

Zoom consultations

Meet with a writing consultant one-on-one to receive feedback on your writing project. A professional writing consultant will read through your project, ask and answer questions, connect you with resources and help you structure a path forward with your project. You may schedule 30- or 60-minute Zoom consultations.

Submit your work and receive written feedback

For this option, you don’t meet with a consultant. Instead you book a 60-minute block and submit your work. A professional writing consultant will read your project during the appointment time and provide written commentary with suggestions for revision at the end of the 60 minutes. For this asynchronous option, please schedule a 60-minute consultation.

Contact the Boise State Writing Center