Scholarship Application Deadline
February 15
Scholarship Awards
Scholarships are awarded each year during the spring semester for the following academic year.
COBE Scholarships
General Business
Annie and Rich Fuller College of Business and Economics Scholarship
Anthony Robert (Tony) Scott Memorial Scholarship
Bill R. McCracken Scholarship Fund
Cathy R. Silak and Nick G. Miller True Blue Business Scholarship
Clisby Edlefsen Business School Scholarship
COBE Advisory Council (COBEAC) Fund
COBE Advisory Council Scholarship Fund
College of Business and Economics Current Use Scholarship
College of Business and Economics Dean’s Scholarship Fund
College of Business and Economics Endowed Scholarship Fund
David S.and Kathy K. Wali Endowed Scholarship
Dean Patrick and Kathy Shannon Endowed Scholarship
Diane Schooley-Pettis Business Scholarship
Donald M. Day Memorial Scholarship
Doyle Heaton Business Scholarship
Executive MBA Class of 2008 Scholarship
Flandro Family True Blue Business Scholarship
Francis W. and Louise Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Gary and Sue Piva Family Graduate Fellowship
George McBride & Madge McBride Stacy Business Scholarship
Harland & Vivian Storey Business Scholarship
Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship
J. Walter & Kristin Hoff Sinclair Endowed Scholarship
Jay & Shelly Hawkins Business Scholarship
John B & Joan H. Carley Business Scholarship
John B. & Joan H. Carley/ BSU Alumni Scholarship
Joy and Thomas Kealey Endowed Scholarship for Business
Kathy L. Nagy Endowed Scholarship
Kenneth and Sigrid Petersen Scholarship
Kenneth M. & Linda R. Jantz Scholarship Endowment
Lawrence and Mary Strahler Endowed Scholarship
Marjorie and Charles Williamson True Blue Business End Scholarship
Michael and Teri Monteferrante Family Scholarship
Mike and Lori Mers Family Endowed Scholarship
Mike and Lori Mers Family Scholarship
Moylan Family True Blue Business Scholarship
Northwestern Mutual Bronco Alumni Scholarship
Pamela and Jeff Casey Endowed Scholarship
Patricia M. Frankle Endowed Scholarship
Ray Flachbart Graduate Fellowship
Ruth Campbell Humphries Memorial Scholarship
Scott and Lynette Spriggs Family Scholarship
Tenacity True Blue Business Scholarship
Terry and Diana Fleskes Business Scholarship
The John, Jerilyn, and Jack Grizzaffi Family Scholarship
Tom Morgan Endowed Scholarship
Wally Glass Business Scholarship
Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship
Wilbert & Lida Brender Endowed Business Scholarship
William C. and Mary H. O’Leary Business Scholarship
William H. & Gladys E. Langroise Scholarship Fund: A program for achieving excellence
William H. Langroise Business Endowment
Associated Governmental Accountants Scholarship
Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Scholarship
Bill and Becky Lathen Fellowship
C. Mike Merz Scholarship Endowment
Charles Hallett Alumni Association Accounting Endowment
Darren J. Kyle Endowed Scholarship
Dorothy J. Engles Scholarship Endowment
Eide Bailly and Jae Hallett Family Scholarship
Frances Elizabeth (May) Walker Memorial Endowed Scholarship
G.W. Underkofler Accounting Scholarship
Gary and Sue Piva Family Presidential Scholarship
Gordon Pirrong Accounting Endowment
Gregg Crockett Accountancy Scholarship
Hallett/Alumni/Accounting Endowed Scholarship
Harold L. Busmann Memorial Scholarship
Hilda D. Elliott Endowed Accounting Scholarship
James D. & Diane E. Crawford Accountancy Scholarship
Jerry Rodman Accountancy Scholarship
Joel & Marianne Hickman Scholarship
Mary Kay & Hal Bunderson – A Andersen Excellence in Accounting Sch.
Rick and Bobbi Navarro Scholarship
Sally Young ’94 Accounting Scholarship
Sherm Perry Memorial Scholarship
Shirley Sue Gaenzle Bria Accounting Scholarship
Tracy & Phillip James Endowed Business Scholarship
Treasure Valley CFO Forum Scholarship
William E. Morris Memorial Scholarship
Dick Payne Endowed Scholarship
Don and Ann Collins Scholarship
Ellis Lamborn Economics Scholarship
Geetha Raha Economics Scholarship
John J. & Ethel C. Chapman Scholarship
John J. and Ethel C. Chapman Business and Economic Analytics Scholarship
John J. and Ethel C. Chapman Economics Scholarship