Seeking motivated, hardworking, and FUN students
Is the COBE LLC for you?
- Are you a hardworking student?
- Were you engaged in extracurricular activities in high school such as sports, clubs or part-time jobs?
- Are you motivated to make the most of your college experience?
If you answered yes to these questions, read on to learn more about the COBE Living Learning Community.
Fun | Friendship | Family
What you can expect living and learning in the COBE community
- Life-long friendships with like-minded students.
- Enjoyment of the great outdoors — whitewater rafting, skiing, hiking.
- You’ll always have someone nearby to talk to.
Career exploration | Studying buddies | Opportunities
What you will gain living and learning in the COBE community
- One-on-one faculty and peer support for degree and career exploration.
- Networking opportunities with local business leaders.
- Benefits of peer-led study sessions for first-year classes.
Helping others | Practice | Experience outside the classroom
How you will grow living and learning in the COBE Community
- Through community service you will develop leadership.
- Through professional development support for writing resumes, networking, and preparing for interviews.
- By developing college-success skills such as time management and communication.