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Find Your Way in the Micron Business and Economics Building

Micron Business and Economics Building viewed from Boise Depot

Here’s a quick explanation on how to find the room or office you’re looking for in the Micron Business and Economics Building using room numbers and the digital screens. Also note: you may see the building name abbreviated as MBEB or Micron Busin/Econ.

Room Numbers Explained

Room numbers in MBEB consist of four digits.

  • First digit tells you which floor (1-4).
  • Second digit refers to the wing, center corridor or annex:
    • 0 = center corridor
    • 1 = south wing (toward University Drive)
    • 2 = north wing (toward the river and downtown Boise)
    • 3 = annex – Skaggs Hall of Learning (southwest part of the bldg.) The classrooms in the annex are MBEB 1301 (Skaggs Hall of Learning auditorium), 2302 (Imagination Lab) and 2301. Access the rooms on the second floor from the first floor in the Skaggs auditorium lobby — take the stairs or the elevator. Also on the second floor of the annex, inside the Imagination Lab, are team rooms 2306, 2039. 2310, 2311, 2312.
  • Last two digits are the room identifier.

Maps on the Digital Displays in MBEB

Touchscreen digital displays are on every floor of MBEB. Touch MAP on the left navigation menu to see the floor maps. Click the floor you want to view (at upper right).

What the Color Blocks on Digital Maps Mean

  • Boise State orange blocks are department home bases
  • Boise State blue blocks are classrooms
  • Medium blue blocks are team rooms
  • Light orange blocks are restrooms
  • Gray blocks are offices and conference rooms

Find a Professor or Staff Office

On the left navigation menu, select Directory. Faculty and staff with offices in MBEB are in alphabetical order by last name. Find who you are looking by touching a letter at top or scroll using the right and left arrows at the bottom. Tap the person’s photo. Tap the words “Tap to see room location.” The screen will jump to the floor of the office location. Note the floor indicated by an arrow at right of the map – this will indicate floor 1, 2, 3, or 4. A green radiating dot marks the room location.