Boise State supply chain management students attended the iFIT Supply Chain Management Case Competition, hosted by Utah State University on March 21-22, 2024 in Logan, Utah. iFIT is a leader in the interactive home equipment and on-demand outdoor workout streaming market headquartered in Logan. Students were tasked with developing a comprehensive strategy to improve iFIT’s supply chain resilience and better prepare the company for future disruptions.

Students’ plans addressed the key challenges faced during the pandemic and incorporated lessons learned to mitigate risks going forward. Students considered how iFit can build a more agile and responsive supply chain to better adapt to shifts in consumer behavior, market conditions, and global risks post-pandemic.
The competition began with a tour of iFIT, where participants were able to gain insights to company processes and products, engage with senior executives, and interview with recruiters. The next day, each team had 15 minutes to present their strategic plan to a panel of judges made up of iFit supply chain leaders. There were nine teams from Boise State University, Brigham Young University, Utah State University and Weber State University. Students competed for cash prizes and equipment, and each participant was awarded a one-year iFIT membership.
“Our students did an incredible job interacting with iFIT executives, interviewing for internships, analyzing the case, and presenting, especially considering it was a first time for them,” said faculty advisor, Anna Land. “Witnessing student growth is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job.”