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Students Had One-on-one Networking at Annual CFOs Exposed Event

COBE Students

Approximately 250 students registered for the 8th annual CFOs Exposed event on March 7 in the Stueckle Sky Center. The event was co-hosted by the Beta Alpha Psi student organization and the Treasure Valley CFO Forum.

The event was kicked off with a keynote speech from J.T. Jones, a TVCFO Forum member. His speech highlighted his nontraditional work path that landed him his current CFO position. “Risk taking and doing the hard work can get you where you want to be,” said Jones.

After Jones’ address, students had structured networking rotations followed by open networking where students could to speak with CFOs of their choice. Students had access to approximately 40 CFOs.

Closing remarks were provided by the current TVCFO Forum President Bachchi Omar. Many students and CFOs lingered afterward to continue engaging conversations. The event was a great success with a significant increase in participants from previous years.

The College of Business and Economics faculty, staff and students thank the Treasure Valley CFO Forum members for their time and commitment to this fantastic networking opportunity for students. We are looking forward to continuing this tradition and keeping registration strong in upcoming years.