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David James Recognized for Contributions to COBE

In a short ceremony Monday, November 20, David James, a custodian at the Micron Business and Economics Building, was recognized for his contribution to the College of Business and Economics. Dean Ken Petersen and Associate Dean Diane Schooley-Pettis presented David with a certificate and a Bronco shirt and hat.

“David always has a smile on his face,” said Dean Petersen. “He takes his work seriously and is an example of how positive culture in the workplace can be cultivated.”


Attendees included David’s mother, representatives from Witco, COBE staff and many of David’s co-workers and supervisors from Boise State Facilities Operations and Maintenance.

Nicole Young, a program specialist at Witco, assisted David in his progression from working at the Witco center to gaining employment at Boise State University.

“Witco’s mission is that all life has value. Witco is dedicated to creating opportunities for those we serve to realize their potential, enhance the quality of their lives and reach their personal goals,” Young explains. “At one time, David only participated in center-based services but dreamed to work in the community. David worked hard to reach his goals and continues to shine. He truly is an example of what life is all about. When a person begins to feel self-confidence and is valued, there is no barrier that he or she cannot overcome.”