Gail Puccetti was presented the 2016 Outstanding Classified Employee of the Year award at the College of Business and Economics’ fall 2017 back-to-school cookout. Senators and executive board members from the 2017-18 ACE Senate were there for the presentation. The award was presented by ACE president Rob Pangaro.
Puccetti is an employee of the College of Business and Economics and she is the building manager for the Micron Business and Economics Building (MBEB). Puccetti started the job just after  MBEB opened in 2012.
“Gail was chosen for her dedication, work ethic and her great attitude,” said Pangaro.”She works well with university personnel and members of the Boise community.”
The Association of Classified Employees has been giving this award since 1988. In order to be nominated an individual must have been employed a minimum of five years at Boise State in a permanent classified position. Recipients are selected based on their contributions to their departments and the university. Community service is also considered.