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Sept. 29: Angel Investing and Pitch Event

Experience the World of Angel Investing and Entrepreneurship

  • Learn about the status of angel investing in Idaho.
  • Learn how companies raise money.
  • Network with entrepreneurs and investors.
  • Watch local entrepreneurs pitch their businesses.

Students are invited to attend this 1/2-day workshop and live pitch event at no cost.

Friday, September 29

Skaggs Hall of Learning (Room 1301)

Micron Business and Economics Building

Angel Worx logo

12:15-2:30 p.m. – Keynote speakers

  • Jerry Vance, CEO, Preferred CFO
  • Cord Christensen, CEO, Pet IQ
  • Dan North, Chief Economist,  Euhler Hermes
Angel worx, deal forum logos

2:30 p.m. – Live Pitch Event

Entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of investors in hopes of taking their businesses to the next level. No matter what your major is, this experience will help you understand ideation to commercialization.