The Brandt Foundation is pleased to announce its 2017-18 speaker Jason Brennan. Brennan is a professor and author specializing in politics, philosophy and economics.
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7 p.m.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Jason Brennan — “Why Not Capitalism?”
Jordan Ballroom, Student Union Building
Jason Brennan, PhD, is Robert J. and Elizabeth Flanagan Family Chair and Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. Starting in Spring 2018, he will (concurrent with his position at Georgetown) be Research Professor at the University of Arizona’s Freedom Center and Department of Political Economy and Moral Science. He specializes in politics, philosophy, and economics.
He is the author of many books — When All Else Fails: Resistance, Violence, and State Injustice (Princeton University Press, 2018); In Defense of Openness: Global Justice as Global Freedom (Oxford University Press, 2018), with Bas van der Vossen; and Against Democracy (Princeton University Press, 2016 — to name a few.
He is currently writing Cracks in the Ivory Tower: The Bad Business Ethics of Higher Ed, with Phil Magness, under contract with Oxford University Press, expected publication in 2019.
His books have been translated fourteen times, into Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish, German, Italian, Greek, Mongolian, and Swedish. Gegen Demokratie (Ullstein, 2017), the German translation of Against Democracy, was #33 on Der Spiegel’s bestseller list.
Visit the Brandt Foundation Lectures website.
See Jason Brennan’s website here.