A group of 12 College of Business and Economics students, led by Garrett McBrayer, assistant professor in the Department of Finance, recently traveled to New York City to visit the world of high finance. The trip gave students a chance to gain exposure to the investment banking and asset management industries and to develop relationships with some of the world’s premier firms in their relative sectors. Among the firms visited were Bloomberg, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte Corporate Finance, J.P. Morgan Chase, Millennium Management and the FBI’s White-Collar Crime Division.
Students Mark Beck and Jake Hagen said the experience provided a fantastic opportunity to get to see the practice of finance from the inside and that it helped to solidify their studies in a very tangible sense.
The trip was organized by the Financial Management Association (FMA) which aims to provide opportunities on a more frequent and local basis to Boise State students through speaker series, workshops, mentorship programs and networking events. Students interested in receiving more information about FMA or who are interested in joining the group should visit www.boisestate.edu/cobe-fma or email McBrayer at garrettmcbrayer@boisestate.edu.