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CPR Training at COBE for National Heart Month

by Taylor Reed, Responsible Business Initiative.

CPR training at COBE Boise State University 2-1-2016

The College of Business and Economics is committed to role modeling responsible business practices and has a particular interest in health as a competitive advantage. On February 1 these two principles merged in the production of five free training sessions to teach faculty, students and staff skills in hands-only CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external defibrillator). Seventy-two participants were trained by volunteers from the Boise Fire Department and the American Heart Association. Those trained had the opportunity to practice alongside colleagues and peers on more than 50 mannequins provided by the Boise Fire Department.

As February is national heart month, COBE hopes this training provided bystanders the skills and confidence to act when faced with an emergency and to potentially have a meaningful impact on someone’s life.

CPR training at COBE Boise State University 2-1-2016

CPR training at COBE Boise State University 2-1-2016