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Hansberger Ethics Chair

The Hansberger Ethics Chair continues the legacy of Robert V. Hansberger, a visionary Idaho businessman and strong proponent of corporate social responsibility.  The Chair leverages education and dialogue to enhance and encourage corporate social responsibility and the application of ethical values in making business decisions.


Areas of Impact

The Hansberger Ethics Chair is grounded in two simple but profound views: that business has significant responsibilities to the individuals and society in which it operates and that dialogue and discussion are critical for developing the moral judgment needed to fulfill those responsibilities.

Hansberger Chair's Focus

We focus our attention on two related aspects of responsible business – business ethics and corporate social responsibility/sustainability.

Ethics News and Stories

The U.S. Consumer Electronics Supply Chain: Challenges and Transformations
Unseen Challenges in Auto Manufacturing Sustainability
The U.S. Automotive Industry Supply Chain: Challenges and Transformations
Circular Economy in Oil Industry: Genuine Shift or Greenwashing?

Ethics Guide Businesses to Richer Rewards

If you don’t have integrity, you have nothing. You can’t buy it. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not a moral and ethical person, you really have nothing.   — Henry Kravis