Students in Christy Suciu’s Design Thinking and Strategy Class competed in an Innovation Challenge. Forty-five students made up 12 teams. Each team submitted their business plan in a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation with voice over for the judges to review.

Teams were also required to write a 10-page business plan and illustrate that plan in a poster format. All 12 teams entered their posters in the Undergraduate Research Showcase. See the posters under the Department of Management.
The top four teams took home prize money. The winners are:
- Luff for the Skin – Trevor Brendin, Emily Covolo, Kendra Chaffee, Kelby Fipps
- Luff is a razor that has shaving cream included in the handle of the razor. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly product that is easy to use and gives customers a quality shave.
- Easy Biz – Aly Clark, Alessandra Denning, Fran McGee, Grant Mullikin
- Easy Biz is a virtual business incubator and accelerator that brings all the necessary tools and connections needed for someone to start their own business anytime anywhere.
- Better Health-Nutritional Product App – Jadyn Beebe, Becca Bettencourt, Luke Oja, Cassidy Turner
- Better Health is an app that provides convenience to those with dietary restrictions. It allows you to walk through the aisle of a grocery store to scan products and quickly view if it fits into your specific diet.
- Idaho Trail Blazers – Kaleigh Hollingsworth, Anes Srna, Rob Verplanck, Stephan Weathers
- Idaho Trail Blazers is an interactive platform for hikers to learn and share their experiences.