Dave McEwen has joined the Idaho Small Business Development Center (SBDC) as a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program manager, with the mandate to help Idaho small businesses successfully find and secure federal research grants and contracts. Through these grants, local companies can bring millions of dollars of federal investment to the state, encouraging growth of the startup and small business ecosystem in Idaho.
The State and Southwest Idaho offices of Idaho SBDC are housed in the Micron Business and Economics Building, suite 2132.
The Idaho Small Business Development Center empowers business success through no-cost, confidential consulting and affordable trainings to small businesses throughout Idaho. With local offices in six different regions across the state, the Idaho SBDC’s mission is to enhance the success of Idaho small businesses by providing high-quality consulting and training and leveraging the resources of Idaho’s colleges and universities. To learn more about the Idaho SBDC and the services that they provide, visit www.idahosbdc.org, or call (208) 426-1640.
If you have a small business and would like to learn more about the SBIR program, visitwww.sbir.gov. Idaho small businesses that would like personalized assistance, counseling or training may contact McEwen at (208) 426-3510 or email davemcewen@boisestate.edu.